Calming the Child: Stimming and Bruxism (Grinding) is it a result of Adrenal Fatigue

Stimming seems to be a common term of children with delays, so regardless of the diagnosis we are seeing it accompanied with Down Syndrome and are seeking the Autism Testing. Bruxism is common, I am told with kids with DS, but most commonly seen during the night. But I want to know if they are related to Adrenal Fatigue and will taking supplements for that help relieve stimming and bruxism symptoms for my little guy.


The term “stimming” is short for self-stimulatory behavior and is sometimes also called “stereotypic” behavior. In general, behaviors are described as “stims” when they go beyond what is culturally tolerated. In other words, a “stim” is a behavior that is culturally unacceptable.


Bruxism (BRUK-siz-um) is a condition in which you grind, gnash or clench your teeth. If you have bruxism, you may unconsciously clench your teeth when you’re awake (awake bruxism) or clench or grind them during sleep (sleep bruxism).

Suggested possible treatments for Brusxism.

The unproven theory behind adrenal fatigue is that your adrenal glands are unable to keep pace with the demands of perpetual fight-or-flight arousal. As a result, they can’t produce quite enough of the hormones you need to feel good.quoted from MayoClinic

Based on a list of possible symptoms here, as a mom I would definitely think my little guy suffers from this because he has to cope with things that over stimulate him, he has sleep deprivation and eats a very limited diet.


So these are the supplements we are trying out to assist him in relaxing and coping with the stressors of his day.

        1. 1. We are using
    1.  Adrenal Cortex (ACE). It’s important to know this brand is not from the glands, Adrenal Cortex (Bovine) 50 mg The ingredient list states “Pure bovine adrenal cortex tissue.” We have tried other brands that were from the adrenal glandular tissues and we didn’t have the same results. To order this on Amazon is $20.02, you can get this same product for $11.65 here.
    1. I have read taking this past 6pm and in some not past 4pm can result in sleep disturbance. If you notice sleep disturbance, be sure to stop taking it earlier. We started a morning dose of 50mg, and day 1 we saw less stimming and grinding and later that evening the symptoms did reoccur, also may have been coincidence (cause it was our first night camping) sleep was disturbed. Day 2 we did a morning dose and an equal dose with lunch and held of symptoms much of the day, sleep was less disturbed. Day 3, I noticed that with breakfast dose, my son was able to attain a seat most of a sunday school class and wasn’t stimming. We did 3 meal dosage this day as well. We are continuing keeping it at 3 doses before 4-6pm or skipping the last dose.

2. Rhodiola We also started out with a few drops gradually adding up to 10 drops with meals (in juice).

3. Along with cleaning up the gut, which we already worked on here. Learn more about the link of behavior and the gut, here at the gut affects behavior.

4. I have learned that Nutmeg is good for Adrenal Support, I’ve ordered some Nutmeg Essential Oil from Young Living to try in a roller ball.

5. This is a product that was recommended by a fellow mom who referred to her son’s constant teeth grinding (bruxism) clearing up with 3 weeks of calcium supplementing. I’m ordering some tonight!

6. I love GABA

Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)

Adrenal Support products iHerb Recommends

Special Needs Product Review: Fish Oils make a difference

****UPDATE 1/4/18 Glad to report that 2 days after adding 1/4 teaspoon of the Kirkman’s Calcuim with Vitamin -D to Rye’s OJ we have had NO teeth grinding.****

****UPDATE 8/12/18 as long as I keep the Kitkman’s in his system regularly the grinding ceased. If I forgot during my hustle and bustle mornings, once I gave it to him it subsided shortly after (less than an hour). Over the summer 2018, Rye had to have a bunch of baby teeth pulled. This did reaggravate the grinding. I feel it was more of an alignment change exploring issue. But I just give him a little extra. It is my understanding that this worked because my son has somehow been exposed to lead and the hair test we did before treating heavy metals/Autism. What I read on the Facebook group pst was lead somehow interferes with the natural calcium absorption, therefore supplementing helps. This was divinely stumbled upon like many of the things I have found with Heavy metals but it is highly effective in our case. He does still stim, I have upped his Gabba (roughly 100 mg) and give it to him about 4 times throughout the day. I also give him 3 ACE with breakfast and 3 at lunch to help with stimming. We don’t do ACE of the evening because it is noted it may interfere with sleep, but it is always an option.

Want to learn more, read about our Autism Diagnosis and Road to Recovery.

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4 thoughts on “Calming the Child: Stimming and Bruxism (Grinding) is it a result of Adrenal Fatigue

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  1. Hi! Thank you for the useful information. Your update on 1/4/18, which product were you referring to? My son w/ Ds stems and grinds incessantly. I’ve tried different things over the years never finding a lasting solution. He seems to be suffering from anxiety a bit and in fact drums and grinds more than ever. Wondering if any of these products have worked long term? Would love an update!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Justice Adams, thank you for your comment. I did post an update that I hope will offer you more clarity. Thanks for reading, prayers to you momma, that grinding can drive us up the wall when you can’t seem to correct it and you know it’s doing damage. Thankfully with his low sugar diet (despite OJ multiple times a day with doses), he has been able to avoid cavities!

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      1. Thank you for the update! I have given my son Kirkmans buffered magnesium glycinate, and though at times I think it helps the grinding, I’m not really sure. I will try the calcium.Thank you! 💙💛

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