I am the One

I bet you thought this title sounded a little prideful. But I assure you that it is just the opposite. Let me complete the sentence, I am the One that repented and transformed my life to Christ. I come to you humbled, that I am the One. The one that was broken, the one that was lost, the one that lost her identity, the one that didn’t see her own value.

It was through the parable of the lost sheep, that opened my eyes to the value and identity we hold in Christ. I had always been a “Christian”, but never really understood my identity in Him. It wasn’t until I found myself drowning in a mess of continuous bad decisions and identified that I was on rock bottom. There was no lower to go.

This wasn’t the life I had imagined for myself, I couldn’t even figure out how I got there. It definitely wasn’t living out my dreams or purpose. I realized that deciding to walk the world in my will, was not working. My pride had once led me to think that I was better deciding my fate on my own, because I didn’t have a relationship that followed Him. But in a humble turn of events, I had to give my will up for His will. I had to make peace with the horrible past I had created -with no one else to blame. I took a look around and didn’t recognize my own life. I admit I wasn’t happy, I was miserable and hated who I had become.

Now, I thank God, He gave us a savior and a complete restoration in Him. You see my healing came with submission to not my will, but His will. My healing came when I recognized I couldn’t do it alone, I needed His help. Healed by His grace, spared by His mercy I am here today to assure you there is healing beyond your past and it doesn’t have to define who you are to become. His purpose defines that. When you submit yourself, you become dead to the old person and new in Christ.

Know that we are all sinners, in need of a savior. Ask Jesus to come into your heart, allow Him to be Lord of your life and in Him you will find rest. Become a disciple and follow Him. He loves you and wants reconciliation for you so much that He got on the cross for your sin.

Homeschool: Resources for your Procrastinating Child

Don’t have time to read great parenting books, check out Audible. I’ve been using it to listen to some great reads I had put off for lack of having time to hold a book.

Is your child controlling your family with procrastination? Change their self talk… https://litemind.com/overcoming-procrastination-self-talk/

Parenting your Powerful Child, by Kevin Leman covers procrastination among other controlling topics in parenting.

ProLoQuo to go…

We have been learning to use ProLoQuo to go app for my son with Down Syndrome, Apraxia and Autism. Sometimes they have a sale on this app as it is a little pricey. But it’s worth the purchase. I have it on an iPad for school for my son and I also have it installed on my iPhone so we always have an option of communicating.

I recommend watching some you tube videos to better understand how to use it and teach it.

How we started was I programmed a “Help me please folder” and an “About me” folder. We added food, tv shows, common things he asked for help with in that folder. I programmed the food folder to match what he eats. We started by trying to tell what food he wanted. The point was to get him to make requests. So at first I modeled it, I want to eat pizza. Then I would say Riley do you want to eat pizza. And hen I would hand over hand type it for him. Then I would say, let’s say it and tap the top to read the full request.

In speech they would read books, and then go back to the pages to find something on each page. This takes a bit of pre-prep to make photos in a folder to match, but then hey started using the preprogrammed categories. Sometimes we have to add things to complete the thought. Any area I want him to be able to describe I link to the existing older of describing words and we can add color, numbers or description to any topic we commonly use.

It’s exciting, in about a year (including chelation) Riley is seeing the need to use the “owl to talk” as we say it. He will even often sign or try to speak sounds as he does it, but he beams that he can get his point across with ease. Just like with sign language he is much less frustrated.


Sharing is the best way to learn and retain, don’t forget to like our page, follow us and share the information with someone that it may help. Please use our links to find the products and shop our prices, I’m taking the time to look stuff up and present it you to save you time and hopefully money, by clicking on affiliate shopping links you can help us with savings or a slight commission (no extra is added, your price would be the same either way).

My prayer is that you ran across this blog for a divine reason. I have no plans to impress you, just to share what God has led us to and how it is changing our lives.

-God Bless! Rhonda

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Air purifiers

Since we moved in our home, 2 of our closets had an odor to them cause they stayed closed up. Every coat or piece of sports gear stored there resembled the odor. I had tried other air fresheners in the closets before and none lasted.

I tried bags like this, (a different brand) that was much more pricey and they worked great to eliminate the odor. You just recharge them in direct sunlight about once a month. So I plan to order some for our camper and this is the brand I’m going for this time. The packaging looks exact, just one logo is different.

I put one in my car also, no more stinky car even when sports gear or barn boots are left in it. I’m really happy with the bamboo charcoal.

Cutting Aluminum Foil

Reversible Grill Plates

We have always grown up grilling with Aluminum Foil. Grilled food tastes best in our family. It was very convenient to keep the grill cleaner. But after reading this article I decided to get serious about dropping Aluminum Foil entirely. Keeping in mind my youngest son has Down Syndrome this is some information I found in 2017 related to Aluminum…

Down Syndrome Link to Heavy Metals and Mineral Deficiencies

Here are two quotes from this article that make perfect connections to me. People with DS have a permeable blood brain barrier, caused by over expression of MicroRNA 155. This increases the potential for Aluminium to accumulate in the brain and cause toxicity. and Children with DS have decreased detoxification capacity for Mercury because of genetic and biochemical imbalances which reduce their ability to excrete Mercury 6. They are particularly vulnerable to mercury intoxication which causes damage to the developing central nervous system, as well as kidney and lung damage. Sources of toxic mercury exposure include fish, vaccine preservative thimerosal, inhalation of mercury vapour, skin creams, teething powders and dental amalgams 5.

Restaurants wrap food in AF to help maintain heat. Food is purchased in aluminum cans for longer storage. AF is considered a food safe product, right? I’ve heard the dangers of using aluminum before, but let’s face it habit changes can be so intimidating. That’s why I like to make change in small increments, until they become new habits. I needed a plan to break old habits of convenience and quick, since we already deal with heavy metal toxicity and Autism. (My SOZO reports showed I have HiGH levels of Aluminum.)

Conveniences over Health? A few years ago, I converted over to cooking solely with cast iron or stainless steel to avoid the dangers of non-stick surfaces that are considered cancer causing. Since we love the flavors of skillet cooked foods, baking has almost become rare for our palettes. Buying and keeping a stock of AF is a minor investment. Having a reusable solution will bring cost savings into the benefits along with improved health. Another way we cut costs of AF is in storage using glass containers with sealable lids.

I put some thought to it and ordered 2 grill plates similar to these, online for our grill at home and grill in the camper. It should help contain the grease for easy cleanup while keeping a great seasoned flavor while grilling.

Check your grill size and see if the smaller reversible grill plate is best for you. I chose reversible cause it could be versatile for breakfast foods. These can even be used on the gas stovetop burners in campers and RVs.

Cleanup is fairly easy, and works best while the cast iron is still warm. If you are new to cast iron, you may need a brush or scraper, that may be another purchase consideration.

No more aluminum foil when cooking out for us-problem solved!

This post contains affiliate links that may lead to minimal compensation to reimburse costs for this blog. These links in no way increase your shopping costs, but do add to your shopping convenience. I try to shop the best prices for you by the choices available at the time.

Audible Review: Listen to a Good Book

Don’t have time to read great parenting books, check out the Audible App and Just Listen! I’ve been using it to listen to some great reads put off for lack of having time to hold the book and read myself.

At first, I signed up for a membership @$14/month. But after the first month, I cancelled and just started making one-time purchases of books to listen to. You can choose to download the book to your app or remove from your app, but once you purchase the book it remains on your account to listen anytime.

Parenting your Powerful Child, by Kevin Leman covers procrastination among other controlling topics in parenting.

more of my favorite Audible Reads:


Uncomfortable Subjects with kids

I’m never one to hold back to take to my kids about the edgy topics. At 8 years old, I wanted to make sure my oldest learned about Sex from me first. I had first told him by God’s design a husband and wife fit together like a puzzle to make a baby and that had satisfied his curiosity.

I’m never at my best when I am reactive. I prefer a proactive approach, so I found “The Talk”…. and I am a recommending fan. It gives just enough information with Biblical principals. I’m very pleased with the first book in the set of 3. Click the image to find out more.

Typing is necessary for kids

Typing comes early in these days of the computer generation. I feel typing is necessary for everyone. I tried last year in 3rd grade to teach him myself with just the asdf, jkl; method. This went well for a while, he was excited to get on the computer. But as the excitement dwindled, and the reluctant student kicked in typing was dropped.

So we are trying this free program https://www.typing.com/. It’s got a free version!!! You create your teacher account, then your student account. Your student logs in to do the guided lessons and everything is recorded and report able.

So far, this is great. He gets a little bit frustrated, but that is his nature trying anything new. It was just what I was looking for. This would be great for any home school classroom or just an extra curricular for any public school student.

Review: My son is enjoying the typing class and is doing well. It times him to words per minute and accuracy. I really recommend this. We are using the free version, not the add free version.

Create Verbal Inspiration for Non-Verbal Children

Child Directed Interaction Skills (CDI) is a part of Parent-Child Interaction Therapy – PCIT

My son has Down Syndrome, Autism and is unofficially diagnosed with Apraxia (suggested by speech teacher and his diagnosing Dr for his Autism). We are doing many things that are showing gains. We are using protocols to recover him from Autism, treating Gut Health and Candida, using alot of natural supplements and seeking therapies outside the home. We learned about CDI going to Behavior Therapy at our local College.

This one particular skill has notably helped me to talk to my son promoting speech, with less frustration. The best part is that it is simple and FREE and only requires 5 mins each day. It would be beneficial for any child to promote speech!

The Guide to Understanding CDI

Parent Hand Out


Suggested Toys:

Building Blocks, Legos, Lincoln Logs, Magnetic Blocks, Tinker Toys, Crayons/Paper, Playsets (Farms, Houses, toy sets)

Additional Resources not included in the links above:

Are Fish Oils making a difference with Apraxia?

Coconut Kefir fighting Candida (ultimately inflammation)


Bless It Forward

I am often recipients of blessings. I love to bless it forward and connect people with blessings they can use or need. Join me in an effort to bless it forward, if you have useful stuff to pass on you can list it here!

Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning. James 1:17 of King James Version (KJV)


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