Diatomaceous Earth

This is the first brand I used in my SOZO detox. This is a 1.5 lb bag. They also have in 9oz container.

I first learned of Diatomaceous Earth (DE) a few years ago during a Detox that included a parasite cleanse. DE comes in multiple colors and grades. It can be white or brownish-gray. It is seperated by grades: food, feed and pool grade. When used it can produce die-off from killing off things like Candida or Parasites if those culprits affect you or your pets, I would think this side effect can also be evident in use with pets. there are ways to work around the die-off to ease symptoms. USE CAUTION TO PREVENT DUST INHALATION!

For example, the difference between white DE and brown (or brownish-grey) DE (such as Red Lake Diatomaceous Earth) is that darker colored diatomaceous earth contains calcium montmorillonite (also known as calcium bentonite), a clay that occurs naturally in the deposit. White DE, on the other hand, contains only diatomaceous earth, along with other trace amounts of additional elements. -http://www.absorbentproductsltd.com 

To be considered Food Grade, the diatomaceous earth must not contain more than 10mg/kg of arsenic and no more than 10mg/kg of lead. Food Chemical Codex Grade (Food Grade) DE products contain less than 1% crystalline silica and can be used in animal feed and for insect control. Food Grade diatomaceous earth, such as Red Lake Earth, unlike pool grade DE, is safe to be used around humans and animals. -http://www.absorbentproductsltd.com

This article really digs down deep into how DE goes above more than just parasite cleansing. It helps with ridding of bedbugs, ants and other crawling insects, heavy metal toxicity (which is another thing I have been doing) all the way to Lupus…

Detox Your Body
Diatomaceous Earth health benefits reported to inlude detox! According to Kaayla T. Daniel, PhD, CCN and Galen D. Knight, PhD in their article “Mad as a Hatter” there is no better product to detox HEAVY METALS and RADIATION from your body than with Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth!

Candida is a type of yeast infection that can exist for several years in the body. It is extremely difficult to clear out of your system, even with prescription medication and antibiotics. According to the Candida Yeast Infection Relief website, Candida may be effectively eradicated by taking a daily freshwater diatomaceous earth supplement. Diatomaceous earth destroys the Candida yeast infection by pulling it apart and killing the Candida organisms that reside in the gastrointestinal system. In addition to being able to get rid of Candida yeast infections, diatomaceous earth is also known for its ability to attract and bind to the toxins that are caused by Candida yeast so the body can safely eliminate them through stool and urine. -www.diatomaceousearthfoodgrade.com 

For you Amazon Prime lovers, this is your link.

Both the Food grade DE and the Red Lake Earth Diatomaceous Red Lake Earth with Calcium Bentonite, are available at your local Tractor Supply

This dispenses the DE for insect treatment.

100% diatomaceous earth kills insects by ingestion and/or dehydration within 48 hours. Works indoors and outdoors when kept dry. Treat for Earwigs, Millipedes, Centipedes, Silverfish, Cockroaches, Crickets, ants, fleas, carpet beetles, bed bugs, grasshoppers- Tractor Supply Product Description for safer-brand-diatomaceous-earth


Additional Resources:



Organic Pest Control Aside from spiders, Diatomaceous earth is also a safe and effective way to kill silverfish, cockroaches, ants and fleas both inside and outside of your home. Aside from spiders, diatomaceous earth is also a safe and effective way to kill silverfish, cockroaches, ants and fleas both inside and outside of your home. -Quoted from site linked.

Intermittent Fasting

This is step 2 to the Candida Flush. After you resolve the Candida-Yeast, I think I started practicing this somewhere about 2 weeks after my dietary changes. The reason this is step 2 and you just don’t skip ahead is simple. If you are having sugar cravings it is impossible to fast. This also is recommended to allow your blood sugar levels to be under control.

When you eat matters for metabolism, sleep, preventing disease for health. Eating late disturbs sleep, cause your body is digesting it may keep you from falling into your deep sleep cycles. I’ve always been told, its best for your body not to eat past 6, to get the best sleep. The best way I can explain this is to say that while your body is digesting food, that’s it’s very focus. When you are fasting or doing liquid nutrition for periods of time your metabolism gets boosted and your body has more energy to apply toward healing. Here is also incentive to eat healthy during fasting. If you are eating processed foods it takes more than the unnatural times for your body to process/digest the food. This not totally related but is so interesting I had to share below at the You Really Got to Read This!!!

Intermittent Fasting:

Some of the info I got was from Dr. David Jockers…

Benefits of Fasting:

  • You will see tremendous results physically, mentally, emotionally. Your body is smart enough to know how much fat it needs to survive.
  • In cancer patients – usually told to eat as much as possible and given calorie boosting foods. Doing this feeds the cancer and causes metabolic inflexibility.
  • Super Hydration During Fasting Period:
    • Add more and more water daily to get to a gallon of water.
    • 8-12 ounces of water per hour while fasting shorter fasts.
  • Balance salt intake with water intake.
    •  Use pink salt ¼ tsp per gallon.
  • Lot of liquid nutrition such as bone broth and protein shakes for these individuals takes stress off of the digestive system without fasting.

5 Types of Fasting:

  • Simple fast – 12 hours between last meal and first meal o e.g. 8PM to 8AM – gives you 4 hours to do the major part of digestion, and then 8 hours for the liver to do a full cycle of the blood stream.
  • Cycle fast – 16 hours between last meal and first meal 3x per week o E.g. 8PM to 12PM – 3x/week o Move towards a 2-1 cleansing ratio. You will see better and better results.
  • Strong Fast – 16-18 daily hours daily
  • Warrior Fast – 19-21 hours daily o Start with a simple fast. Do not jump into this level. 
  • 1-Day Fast – Full 24 hour fast each week

Another Resource for Fasting was Dr. Mercola

This will improve the regeneration, recovery, and repair of mitochondria, which are important for signaling pathways that dictate how healthy you are. How do we obtain dietetic ketosis?

§ Peak fasting – intermittent fasting

§ No food for 3 hours before bedtime

§ Not eating for 13-18 hours of your awake hours. 

§ Eat only for 6-11 hours of your awake hours. 


My Fasting Preferences

  • I chose the SIMPLE FAST Method or would do liquid nutrition (bone broth) in the mornings or before bedtime to decrease digestion and amp up my sleep cycle.

Read my disclaimers, I’m not a medical professional.

You really gotta read this!!!!!

Here is a great example for processed foods to avoid. For example eating Ramen Noodles (which I used to eat daily)… Did you know Ramen noodles contain Tertiary-butyl hydroquinone (TBHQ), which is a byproduct of the petroleum industry and food additive frequently to preserve cheap processed foods. It is one of those chemicals that is neither digestible or beneficial in any way for your body. A gastrointestinal specialist conducted an experiment with a time lapse video inside the stomach, comparing both fresh and preserved ramen noodles. After two hours of digestion, the results were staggering. Dr. Kuo recorded 32 hours from the pill camera. “What we’re seeing here is a stomach contracting back and forth as it’s trying to grind up the ramen noodles,” Dr. Kuo says of the beginning of the video.  –Read the full Article Here

In case you didn’t click over to read the whole article… you might find this interesting.

Other Food Products Containing TBHQ:

  • Mcdonalds chicken nuggets and french fries
  • CHEEZ-IT Crackers made by Kelloggs
  • Butterfinger chocolate and Resee’s Peanut butter cups
  • Nestle Crunch
  • Wheat Thins
  • Microwave popcorn
  • Pam cooking spray
  • Aldi products
  • Keebler Club crackers
  • Kellogs eggo frozen waffles and many other kellog products
  • Taco bell beans and some taco shells
  • Teddy Grahams
  • Red Barron frozen pizza
  • Keebler Cookies
  • TastyKake
  • Little Debbie
  • Kellog’s Pop-Tarts
  • Homestyle Peanut butter cookies
  • Some forms of soymilk
  • Different breads cerals and crackers could contain TBHQ
  • Crisco oil
  • Some pet foods
  • Many cosmetic products and baby products
  • Some hair dyes lipsticks and eyeshadows
  • Wrigley’s gum
  • Little Debbies nutty bars and some M&M products
  • KFC beans and fried chicken

Want to learn more great health things? Join my Facebook Group Health Talk


Sharing is the best way to learn and retain, don’t forget to like our page, follow us and share the information with someone that it may help. Please use our links to find the products and shop our prices, I’m taking the time to look stuff up and present it you to save you time and hopefully money, by clicking on affiliate shopping links you can help us with savings or a slight commission (no extra is added, your price would be the same either way).

My prayer is that you ran across this blog for a divine reason. I have no plans to impress you, just to share what God has led us to and how it is changing our lives.

-God Bless! Rhonda

Unlocking Autism can be followed -Join Here!

Full Disclaimers

Candida the Yeast Beast

This post is full of links intended to help you find out more about what I did and have learned quickly, there are also shopping links to help you, with where I have found the best prices for the products I use and mention. I am no medical professional, so please Read My Disclaimers.

Since my first detox (also known as a Candida Cleanse), I’m constantly learning new things about Candida. Each step unlocks another door to more information. Fighting yeast has been one of the most beneficial things from my detox. I contribute a lot of my weight loss to it, pounds around the belly that wouldn’t go away melted when I began treating yeast. It’s justly, called the Yeast Beast because it can be difficult to control and can result in behavior side effects. It affect weight loss and I can’t remember my source right now, but it can contribute to extra pounds in the spare tire, if you know what I mean (the flora in the gut can weigh up to 6 pounds, I’m assuming that in typical circumstance – from a speaker of a NSP Seminar). There is not just one way perfect way to fight Candida, there are many things that work. Candida is a big issue, I have been learning about in the world of Autism and it’s amazing that it affects behavior so extremely. Below, you will learn more about how heavy metal toxicity can make candida worse, I’ll cover all these things, what I use to combat it and more in this post.

Today I want to cover

  • What it is
  • How do you get it
  • How to detect it
  • What it does to you
  • How to combat it
  • Die-Off

Shop my List

What it is

Candida is the imbalance of opportunistic bad bacteria (a fungi) in the gut caused by to much Candida yeast. It affects adults and children just the same.

Basically, Candida yeast feeds off sugar and can get overrun in your gut. It acts like a parasite to its host. It gives off toxins, it creates cravings to control its host. The symptoms of the toxins it releases can alter your behavior. A natural part of the yeast’s life cycle, when overrun is its harmful yeast cells are constantly reproducing and dying. This creates a constant stream of toxins being released into your bloodstream. Your liver purifies your blood and rids the body of the toxins. Candida has an overloading effect on the liver and it’s function which can result in die-off symptoms. If the liver becomes overloaded due to all this extra work, it ends up storing the some of those Candida metabolites until it can process them later. Unfortunately, it does this by sending them to the fat cells in your body. Women store most of their fat around their hips, belly and thighs – so this is where the toxins end up. This typically results in stubborn fat deposits that become harder and harder to shift.-quoted from https://www.thecandidadiet.com/candida-weight-gain/

How do you get it

  • Taking One dose of antibiotics,
  • Steriods
  • C-Section birth
  • Taking Oral Contraceptives
  • Frequent Swimmers
  • Eating conventional animal foods – GMO’s/Non-Organic/GrassFed
  • Leaky Gut
  • Frequently swimming in a chlorinated pool
  • Eating foods containing Sugar, White Flour or Yeast (most of your processed foods)
  • Consumption of Alcohol

How to detect it

  • The fastest way to detect is if you have a white coating on your tongue.
  • The following symptoms below
  • not necessary to test for it

Symptoms – What it does to you

  • It can affect your glucose levels and contribute to diabetes. It causes a vicious cycle to your blood sugar levels to fluctuate, triggering hormones that generate a never-ending constant craving for sweet, carbohydrate-rich foods. It would seem this craving can never be fulfilled even when you binge out. I plan to explore this further and update more info.
  • Slows down your metabolism, Constantly Tired
  • Lack of Sexual Drive
  • Disrupts normal detoxification processes
  • It can interfere with your appetite.
  • Brain Fog
  • Heart
  • Chronoic UTI’s or Infections
  • Leaky Gut
  • IBS Irritable bowel Syndrome
  • Gas/Bloating
  • Joint Pain
  • poor skin
  • Chronic Yeast Infections
  • Severe Allergies or Itcy Ears
  • Runny Nose
  • Improper nutrient absorption
  • Indigestion
  • Weak Immune Function

Heavy Metal Toxicity interferes with the ability to keep Candida under control.  This was a real problem for me and even Rye for a while. Chelation under the protocol we are using with Heavy Metals can temporarily increase yeast, but below I will cover helpful supplements to manage it. This means that if you or a loved one has Autism, they are very susceptible to yeast and their symptoms may be flaring without a connection being made.

How to Combat it

Candida yeast feeds off sugar overrun in your gut. It acts like a parasite to its host. It gives off toxins, it creates cravings to control its host. The symptoms of the toxins it releases can alter your behavior. You can have extra weight in your gut when Candida gets overrun. Change the way you are eating a few weeks to several months (you’ll see cravings leave). Now you can change your diet back to your old way of eating and the candida can come back, keep it in check. The best ways to defeat Candida are Diet, Sweetener Alternatives, Anti-Fungal and Immune Supporting SupplementsDiatomaceous Earth and Essential Oils, lets look at these now:

By Diet: Avoid Fruit while you are getting the Candida under control. Go with a Low Sugar Candida-Diet. Stuff like Veggies (avoid starchy veggies like corn, potatoes, yams, beats and peas), eating Garlic, High Quality Protiens (organic-grassfeds), gluten free grains (Rice/Millet). Cook with coconut oils (350 degrees or below). Bone Broth.

My friend, Casey found and shared this blog that was very interesting and provided lots of info for a Candida detox. I highly recommend this read, it puts the whole process into perspective to help you attain your goal to attack your Candida!!!!

Fermented Sources: Body Ecology’s Products like Coconut Kefir: Cocobiotics

Diatomaceous Earth is a great way to combat Candida as well as Parasites.



Jennifer also successfully treated her own health issues with candida by following the Body Ecology diet.

“I knew something was out of balance, but did not have a name for my condition…I feel better today at 38 years old than I did at 20 years old. It’s like waking up from a deep fog. I have found that using the fermented foods on a daily basis, that my eating habits have naturally come to a greater balance. At this point I ‘crave’ green foods, quality proteins, and fermented foods, mostly.”


Changing Sweeteners: Substitute Sugar with NuStevia (make sure you click to read why you don’t want to use Stevia from the store.) The main things are benefits are greater and negative stevia side effects are less likely. This type of stevia is about 30–40 times sweeter than sugar. There are also no fillers, leaving you bloated.

By Supplements: I use some anti-fungal supplements as well. Ground Flax Seeds and Chia Seeds (use with caution if you are taking Rx drugs, this may interfere), Supplements like garlic supplements, pau d’arco, Candase, Apple Cider Vinegar, Coconut Oil, Candida Growth Inhibitors like one of my all around Favorites Turmeric, Cinnamon (heals oral thrush).  My Candida Fighter Supplement List can be found here. Cocobiotics is also a big one to fight candida, it’s fermented and you start with 1oz/day, working up to 1-2 oz per meal.

Probiotics are recommended to take at night or on an empty stomach for best absorption. When you are taking anti-fungal supplements above, take 2-4 hours apart from probiotics.

Essential Oils: Remember EOs are by far more potent than herbals and can be used topically more often till symptoms subside without risk of over consumption. The best oils for Candida I have read about are: Oregano, Myrrh, Lavender, Cinnamon and Turmeric Oils. You could do oil pulls with these oils (diluted in coconut oil)


Don’t be scared of Die-Off it’s already occurring on a small basis, it’s temporary and treatable. Pau D’arco, Vitamin-C, Garlic and Milk Thistle Basically, it’s the Candida releasing toxins as one last attempt to take over, similar to parasites. This can be prevented by taking a little benonite clay, ground flax seeds* or chia seeds, cause they will help absorb the toxins and pull them out. Activated charcoal* can assist pulling toxins out too. Grapeseed extract, pau d’arco and Candida ease are some other great ways to fight the yeast/Candida. A liquid diet can help, it takes the stress off your body for digestion and allows your body to put energy toward healing. My die off experience: When I got the a rash it was on my arms, chest and mid section and the top of my legs. It lasted a day – a day and half. I was already doing the chia and flax seed at the time. It was recommended to pause the use of the VIVI and ONLY in response to the die off take extra Liposomal C-LRA (keep in fridge-2tsp/d) which you learn about next. Here is a great video by Dr. Axe and Jordan Rubin about ridding the CandidaHere is another resource from Robert Scott Bell, Remove inflammation and regenerate tissue from the effects of Antibiotics… Take along with Aloe to get it to your gut for repair. This who mentioned it in his presentation with the Truth About Cancer, The Ultimate Symposium. Here is his direct protocol.

On important thing to remember is that probiotics are bacteria too, just good bacteria. Some of the natural antifungals are not selective enough to only kill bad bacteria so you should make sure probiotics are doses at least 4 hours away from antifungals. – See more at: http://www.fightautismandwin.com

  • Ground Flax seed and Activated Charcoal can cause absorption of Rx medications, take hours apart.

Additional resources you might enjoy:

This is the NEXT STEP after fighting Candida if you are working toward weight loss.

Facebook Group Health Talk – I share information I run across that haven’t had time to actually post on.

Unlocking Autism Facebook Group – I share information on Chelation for Autism, Asperger, ADHD, Anxiety, Autoimmune Diseases, Amylotrophic Lateral Sclerosis ALS, learning disabilities, Parkinson’s Disease, Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders, Borderline Personality Disorders, Crohn’s disease, Colitis, Sciatica, Fibromyalgia, Gastritis, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Sleep Disorders, Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia, Yeast Syndrome, Environmental Illness, Multiple Chemical Sensitivities, Lupus Erythromatosus, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Manic Depressive Disorder and more.





My First Crock Pot Bone Broth

​Until now, I had been using a Bone Broth Powder, I’ve been very satisfied with it but it gets expensive.

Inspired by the video below, I made my first bone broth. I’m so excited to share it was pretty much as easy as it looked.


Prep Bone Broth in 1 Min – Crock Pot It!

So I want to share my variation of this recipe.

  • I got a 6 pack of organic chicken legs from Walmart.
  • Onion, celery, carrots (of Course I forgot carrots)
  • Apple Cider Vinegar
  • I added Garlic, Turmeric and Cayenne Pepper, Peppercorn Seasoning and Himalayian Salt.
  • Filtered water, fill to about 2 inches below lid


Bring contents to a boil, then simmer for recommended hours on the low setting of the crockpot.

It was delicious with Crackers, even my husband decided he could do that for lunch, suggesting noodles would be a nice add! Sounds like a good excuse for me to get him a hot Logic mini, for lunches to avoid the microwave.

The NuScoop on Stevia

I was consumed with a sweet tooth and cravings ruled my life. If you want to break up with sugar, this product may be for you. Now if you are a sugar-holic like I was you won’t like this at first. It’s an acquired taste, but I went off sugars and this is now my preferred sweetness!

I use a non-GMO brand called NuStevia Pure White Stevia Extract is extremely concentrated – 1/32 of a teaspoon will taste as sweet as 2 teaspoons of sugar. 3/4 of a teaspoon will be as sweet as 1 cup of sugar. I tend to find it cheapest on Amazon… see How to Buy and Save below.

I want to help explain the differences in Stevia (online resources for these facts are listed below) to help you better understand which product is better for you. NuNaturals has 2 types of Stevia that I am focusing on in this post. Their products are NON-GMO, gluten-free and vegan. You should be aware of the three main categories of stevia, including green leaf stevia(1), stevia extracts (2) and altered stevia (3) (like Truvia). So let me show you how NuNaturals has products that I prefer from categories 1 and 2. What I use is the Pure Extract (cooking and home use) and the Rebaudioside Extract packets for on the go.

1) With whole-leaf and crude extracts, benefits are greater and negative stevia side effects are less likely. This type of stevia is about 30–40 times sweeter than sugar. *In NuNaturals product line you must be sure it says PURE Extract. This doesn’t contain any fillers like Maltodextrin. See How to buy Links below!

2) Some brands that make stevia extract by extracting the sweeter and less bitter part of the stevia leaf (rebaudioside), which doesn’t have the health benefits found in stevioside. This type of stevia may be a better option than other regular sweeteners, but there aren’t many studies available yet showing its effects. *The individual packets of this product has Maltodextrin as a filler. NuNaturals website mentions this: White Stevia Powder contains the flowing agent maltodextrin, a food grade carbohydrate derived from grain, making it easier to measure. Tasteless, maltodextrin is the perfect medium to use with our NuStevia extract. It is my understanding that Reb99 is the extraction of rebaudiosides from the whole-leaf extraction, basically an extraction from the extraction. This is the information they offer on Maltodextrin tab for a better understanding: Maltodextrin is a simple carbohydrate. Maltodextrin is not a sugar, it is 99.96% carbohydrate and .04% sugar. The amount of maltodextrin in one serving of NuStevia White Stevia Powder is nutritionally insignificant, and should not effect blood sugar levels in most individuals. The source of maltodextrin used in NuStevia White Stevia Powder is from Identity Preserved (IP-Certified) Non-GMO corn. So why does NuNaturals need a flowing agent in the NuStevia White Stevia Powder? The Stevia extract NuNaturals uses is so extremely concentrated that 1/64 tsp. is equal to 1 serving. We add maltodextrin to help the Stevia flow smoothly out of the packet and also to make measuring easier. See How to buy Links below! 200x sweeter than sugar.

3) The worst option is altered and overly processed “stevia” like Truvia. It’s really not stevia at all by time a product like Truvia goes through a 42-step process to make this processed sweetener. Truvia only contain less than 1 percent stevia. WOW, just 1%! Although I don’t recommend these are available at most any local shopmart.

How to Buy and Save

1) Green Leaf Stevia: The Nutstevia site sells this in a convenient shaker or a 1 pound tub. Their price is $13.99 for the shaker and the 1 pound tub is $148.79. However, the iherb price $9.79 is best better, Amazon prices I found at the time this article was written: 1 oz $10.99 or 1lb $122.05! (Prices were based on time of writing article and are subject to change at anytime without notice.) I prefer this product, most affordable as sold by the shaker!!!


2) Stevia Extracts (Rebaudioside Extraction): Remember this is a little more expensive because it’s much more concentrated sweet. At NuNaturals you can get 50 packets for $5.99 or 12oz tub containers for $23.99. However, the Amazon price is usually better, these are the prices I found at the time this article was written: 1oz Shaker of Reb99 $17.99, 100 easy carry packets $13.59, 12oz Container $17.58. I tend to feel a little more bloated when using this product, perhaps it’s because it has a filler.

3) Altered Stevia: Available at any local shop-mart, I don’t recommend buying this product.


Sugar Free Marshmallows

Healthy Thin Mints

Sugar Free Cake & CocoaMint Frosting

Green Smoothie

Breakfast Oatmeal Cupcakes

Sugar Free Macaroons


Additional Resources:

Dr. Axe gives a great presentation of sweetener education.

NuStevia on Livestrong

nustevia-pure-stevia-extract-powder vs. nustevia-white-stevia-powder

*I called the NuNaturals company and had a rep explain the what is in their products. I have reported what I understood of her explanation – 7/20/17. Full Disclaimers.

EFT tapping

Have you ever heard of tapping? That’s what she ask. She said it was very effective.

This is what Denise (Sozo Life and Wellness) shared with me during my Gall Bladder Cleanse. This is important to do this before a Gall Bladder and Liver Cleanse for emotional cleansing.  Sound nuts, maybe… but our organs like the Gallbladder and Liver are affected by Anger, Biterness and Unforgiveness and those can often be found the root of problems in our health. Dont’ hold on to it, release your freedom to heal with…

Emotional Freedom Tecnique (EFT)

She suggested googling Mercola and EFT. This is a library for Emotional Freedom http://eft.mercola.com/. Examples of tapping in areas of insomnia, stopping a habit, health, healing, emotional struggles, forgiveness, anger, pain, stress, depression, anxiety/fear. I didn’t just do it once… I did it mutiple times.

Tap it Away, Tap till it’s gone!

If you have things stressing you, try this in the area of your life that applies. Baggage, Bitterness, Unforgiveness, Loss…

I did this and found much emotional release in multiple areas of my life . I was hanging on to years of emotional baggage.  It was recommended to me to do this before my liver and gall bladder cleanse so that it would be more effective… because our emotions directly affect our liver health.

Works great for Kids too! Teach them Tap Away anxiety!

I used this with my oldest son. We work on areas of Fear and Anxiety.


Other Sources:


jump starting weight loss


So over a month ago, I decided to cut out the sugary drinks and replaced them with my new fav SEASONAL Thrive Lemonade mix. Since going on Thrive and making gradual sacrifices to create new habits I had started losing weight. When I say gradual, I mean if I feel hungry I munch on a few Thrive yogurt bites to satisfy my sweet cravings. I also snack on a few ThriveLife peaches, apple slices or blueberries. These are things I normally wouldn’t have eaten.

The Lemonade mix does have some sugar, but is a sweeten to taste product. Instead of adding sugar I chose to sweeten with Non-Bitter NuStevia . This is based solely on my personal experience I have not dieted, done additional exercise so your results may not be the same as mine!

This post began shortly before summer vacation and our Beach Camping trip left me with some setbacks. We chose to eat out more than usual to really give me a break from cooking/cleanup. It was great except, I don’t really trust the water supply in restaurants and tend to do sodas. So I put back a few extra pounds.

But today, Sept 22, 2016 I’m happy to report my record low at 148.8. I was 152 breastfeeding my oldest when I discovered I was pregnant with my lil guy, so this is the smallest I have been in just over 7 years! Horray!

our gluten free journey

GFCFSF Diet Resource

A diet change of any time can be overwhelming at first! When we first discovered that Rye was having Thyroid Issue we wanted to try and restore his Thyroid naturally! Our choice to go Gluten Free wasn’t life threatening, so we had time to gradually transition. If you have an intolerance or life threatening allergy this will not work for you, but has some resources that help for kiddos. Some research I blogged about why we did it. Based on some reading I did, going Gluten, Soy and Casein Free (Milk- we still do some dairy – as cheese) seemed to be a road less traveled but had found some improvement and I call that success!

It was tough at first to find foods that Rye would eat that were Gluten Free. They seemed to be a different consistency. But I found some resources that got me started looking for specific brands. Recently it seems, you can find so many more things that are NON-GMO and Gluten Free at the local grocery! Today, I am even looking into Ancient Grains.

Here are some of the things I mentioned that we used with Rye you can find deals on some of these items here.

  • ThriveLife Freeze Dried Foods (the whole list)
  • Silk Coconut Milk (Wal-mart, Food City, EarthFare, Ingles)
  • Stoneyfield Organic Milk (Wal-Mart), Ingles has several options also
  • Rudi’s Country Morning White Organic Bread (Earth Fare: Bakery Bread Section, Food City: Frozen Section)
  • Udi’s Sandwich Bread and Rudi’s Organic Sandwich Bread (EarthFare: Bread Section)
  • Immaculate canned biscuits and cinnamon rolls from Immaculate (EarthFare, Wal-mart stock up they run low quick)
  • Any Brand- Shredded Sharp Cheddar Cheese
  • Harvest Farms Chicken and Turkey (Wal-mart, Ingles)
  • Barilla Gluten Free Spaghetti and Marinara Sauce (Wal-mart)
  • Lays potato chip
  • when you freeze this bread it’s best to refrigerate once you get it out to avoid hardness.
  • Enjoy Life chocolate cookies and brownies (EarthFare, Wal-Mart.com)
  • Organic beef (EarthFare), chicken and Wild caught salmon (Wal-Mart).
  • Kettle Brand Chips (EarthFare, Wal-Mart.com), Lays Plain Chips (only gluten free)
  • Carrington Farms Coconut Cooking Oil (Wal-Mart), they now have a tub and spray
  • Organic Jelly (EarthFare), Smucker’s Naturals- Non-GMO (Wal-Mart)
  • Coconut Oil, Unrefined Virgin (Wal-Mart, Earth Fare, Amazon.com)
  • Purified Water (Earth Fare), Kangen Water (which I drank alot of during pregnancy)
  • Earth Balance Creamy Peanut Butter with Flax (Wal-Mart, Ingles)
  • Earth Balance Butter (Wal-Mart, Ingles)
  • NuStevia Natural Sweetener
  • Amaranth, quinoa, buckwheat and millet are gluten free grains.
  • Ronzoni has some ancient grain products
  • Look at my grocery list

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Improve your Lifestyle with ThriveLife

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ThriveLife is Premium Freeze Dried Foods, great for every day eating as well as preparing your pantry for the storms of life, with long term food storage.

This is sustainable food with it’s extended shelf life in BPA-Free cans. My favorite things about this food is that it is Non-GMO, with no preservatives or additives and is great for special diets. BPA Free Containers. Check out the Nutrilock Promise, this is how we can say ThriveLife foods have captured the nutrients fresh from the vine. It compliments the pantry for Vegan and Gluten Free lifestyles, check out our Food Allergen Information.

Healthy, Non-GMO, without preservatives or additives, Gluten Free options!!!

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Join an online party to learn all about ThriveLife with no obligation or Request an iParty on Facebook. Find out more or order at rhondanelson.thrivelife.com.

SAVE BIG!!! Twice each year, you can save big with ThriveLife Foods by shopping the Semi-Annual Specials. Those typically happen in March and again for Black Friday Weekend.

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