Health Talk

I’m a natural skeptic, so I can’t wait to share the truth of what I learned since Fall 2016. Feeling hopeless, I asked God to reveal knowledge to me to change the legacy for my children, from passing on disease to passing on health. This how that all unfolded.

My Detox Experience

(not from abusive substances, but from unhealthy eating)

(Need a Quick Version)

I come to you honestly, I wouldn’t have believed it if I hadn’t just experienced it myself. Don’t get me wrong, I wanted to lose weight and had tried many times, but this time it was about trying to regain my misspent health.

I know it’s very noticeable, people say something different cause they hate to say you lost a ton of weight… So I don’t mind to say it for them. I’m just happy to share what I did and how it’s changed my life.  It’s not just that I shed 25+ pounds, I improved my health and although it came with what I consider minor sacrifices, the proof is in the fact that I feel great again! I feel youthful and I’m inspired to live the differently! That is why I choose to share what I learned along this journey with anyone that wants to know.

The anaphylactic symptoms that I had in Sept 2016, seemed to point to MSG reactions. I had had these going on for a year or so, but was unable to connect the reason. As these symptoms grew more frequent, my dad helped me make the connection of a pattern of the food I was eating and a delayed reaction following. After having dental amalgam fillings removed earlier in the summer 2016, which I had no idea till I started researching seemed to connect to the intensity of the reactions. This is why I decided something really needed to change.

My timeline:

Why I chose Detox

My Detox and Weight Loss +30lbs

How I kicked Sugar to the Curb, Candida Cleanse

Supplements I take and Why

More Support to why you should detox

My personal experience with SOZO Life and Wellness

My concerns with MSG

I invite you to Join my FBGroup Get Healthy With Me Tribe

Get an iTOVi Scan

Water Filtration – Berky System

Where I buy most of my supplements – Click and Save 5%

Prep Bone Broth in 1 Min – Crock Pot It!

Why you want to use Turmeric Essential Oil

Why Vaccines scare me, get informed.

Autism Reversed Diagnosis

Autism Recovery Stories

Case 1- Julia Berle – Read Their Story

Case 2- Jennifer Boddie Read Their Story

Join the Unlocking Autism Facebook Group


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