Parasite Cleanse Time 3-4 days before Next Full Moon phase

Some Symptoms of Parasites

  1. constipation, diarrhea, gas, or bloating
  2. traveler’s diarrhea while traveling abroad
  3. food poisoning and your digestion has not been the same since
  4. trouble falling asleep, or you wake up multiple times during the night
  5. skin irritations, rashes, hives, rosacea, or eczema
  6. grinding your teeth at night
  7. pain or aching in your muscles or joints.
  8. fatigue, exhaustion, depression, or feelings of apathy.
  9. not feeling satisfied or full after meals
  10. anemia (iron deficiency)
  11. occasionally feel something like wiggling or twitching or stunning in certain parts of your body
  12. body itches in various places such as ears, anus, or skin

How Do I Get Parasites?

Pets, undercooked meat, raw fish, traveling and consuming contaminated water or food can give you parasites. It’s best not to let pets sleep on your bed or lick you in the face. This one my mom always shared with kids, walking barefoot can allow parasites to enter your feet. My guess is that if you are a fellow flip flop/sandal wearer, that probably applies to you too. Food handlers (who don’t wash their hands) can pass on parasites in food preparation.

I would know if I had parasites right?

I didn’t know or suspect parasites until I did a Scan. Parasites can easily go undetected because they bury themselves in the walls of organs and lining of the intestines trying to guarantee their survival.

When should I do a parasite cleanse?

Parasite cleansing is recommended during a Full Moon phase, because the several days before and on the New Moon parasites detach from the walls of the organs and lining of the intestines to breed and to lay eggs. This makes the Full Moon phase the easiest time to get to rid them.

2017 start just a few days before Sept 6, Oct 5, Nov 4 and Dec 3.

2018 start just a few days before Jan 1 and Jan 31… more in 2018

Natural parasite cleanse programs should last 7 to 14 days (or longer, if you suspect a lot of them) to allow the parasites to complete the breeding cycle and the new eggs to hatch and die off.

Possible Side Effects

It’s not uncommon to have some die-off symptoms during this time. The die-off symptoms are a result from the toxins released as the parasites die, one last attempt they make at trying to live. These symptoms can imitate the flu, but typically show up as a rash. For more die-off information check this site. Here is a nice reference as well. This is basically the overload of toxins on your liver and kidneys. Not to be scared, just stick to the plan and supplement with some Milk Thistle and drink plenty of water. My first cleanse also included a candida cleanse along with a fungal cleanse and the die-off was a raised and itchy rash on my arms, mid section and top of my legs. I took larger doses of vitamin c (an antioxidant) as well as cut back on the cleanses until my body had a chance to catch up.

Parasite Cleanses We’ve Used

Don’t let cleanse scare you, this will not run you to the restroom more. Other than remembering to take the supplements by the recommended dosages that’s about all you have to worry about. I recommend a  parasite cleanse that you are comfortable with, but if you are like me and not sure where to begin this was the Parasite Cleanse I did with Sozo Life and Wellness. It was customized for my Scan results. ARG – Artimisinin (2 slowly increasing to 3 capsules-immediately before breakfast and supper), Mix in 1/4 cup of water: Enula (30 drops) and Crypto Plus (20 drops) – taking mixture immediately before breakfast and supper. I also took a few samples of Diatomaceous Earth (1tsp with the water mixture above).

Para Cleanse (10 day)

My husband used this Nature’s Sunshine para-cleanse-10-day. I have read that some boxed Parasite cleanses are less effective cause they use lower doses of the supplements. This is a brand I trust for if you prefer a boxed-deal. It recommends doing these twice with the moon cycles.

Final Thoughts

I value a quality probiotic along with and after any cleanse!!! Also it’s good to do a followup cleanse to make sure that any egg larve don’t remain. I have seen mention that some people do parasite cleanses annually.

I have read some information and studies that the toxins the parasites produce can have a neurological effect on it’s host. For more information on Parasites taking control over their hosts, read about this one in Number 3. “When night approaches, the flukes take control. They make the ant climb up a blade of grass and hold tight, waiting to be eaten by a grazing animal. If the ant is still alive at dawn, the flukes release their control and the ant goes about its day like normal (if the ant baked in the sun, the parasite would die, too). At night the flukes take over again and the cycle repeats until the ant becomes cattle food.” Quoted from Joseph Bennington-Castro.

Do you think there could be more to the Full Moon comment after reading this, makes you think!


Did you know??? Mosquitos can share more than a bite?

Mosquitoes can carry certain diseases, such as West Nile virus, malaria, yellow fever and dengue fever. The mosquito obtains a virus or parasite by biting an infected person or animal. Then, when biting you, the mosquito can transfer that virus or parasite to you through its saliva. West Nile and encephalitis viruses are found in the United States. Dengue fever has been reported in several southern states and Hawaii. Other diseases, such as malaria and yellow fever, are far more common in tropical areas of the world.

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Why MSG is not for me!

Last  Fall (2016), I started having pretty serious reactions to food. The common denominator brought to my attention was where or what I was eating (most often Chick-fil-a or Arby’s), which led me to find MSG a likely culprit. When I was biometrically scanned with the Zyto, my body showed reactors (stressors) to MSG. Once I stopped foods that contained MSG, which basically meant I stopped eating out and I mean practically no fast food or restaurant meals, happy to report I have had no other occurrences!!! But this was so important to my health I felt the need to share it!

What is MSG? MSG, or Monosodium Glutamate is a salt of the amino acid – Glutamic Acid (glutamate).  A salt is the chemical name for a molecule held together by opposite charges.  Basically one (mono) sodium atom is “stuck” to the amino acid glutamate. A dangerous food additive (a dangerous neurotoxin) that is considered safe by Government Standards. MSG is one of the top 10 additives to avoid in foods, along with artificial sweetners, high fructose corn syrup, trans fat, food dyes, sodium sulfite, sodium nitrate, BHA/BHT, sulfur dioxide and potassium bromate. – Read about the link to Asthma, insulin producing and Autism.

Fifth Sense: It appeals to all your taste buds for a total craving experience.

When I think of MSG I think of Chinese and Japanese restaurants having a little sign saying No MSG! Then why do those places still make me sickest? What might not be coming to mind is cheap chicken is often treated (with MSG flavoring or Broth made from MSG) to improve taste and that can be most anywhere serving cheap especially fast food. But it’s not only in the chicken, it’s used in most broth based products, like soup and gravies. This details more of why companies use it, The food industry is trying to confuse the issue by focusing on the “fifth” taste sense they call umami.

Trying to go MSG FREE was harder than I imagined. Fast food is full of it, McDonalds®, Burger King®, KFC®, Taco Bell®, Italian Foods (especially Parmesan) and Chick-fil-a®. Even these common brands from the grocery Nestle’®, Campbell’s (Soup)®, Frito-Lay®, Kraft®, Doritos®, Lawrys® (Seasonings) and Progresso®. I’ve read some companies even use it in sweet tea to entice you to crave it. These examples came from this resource- one of the quickest references for Fast Food or Grocery Brands to avoid. But honestly Tomatoes and Mushrooms are listed as being high in naturally occurring glutamic acid, so beware. Places I can eat (not that it’s healthy) Sonic has No MSG- Found that on their Website! Amigo’s in Elizabethton, Beef O’Brady’s also I have been told do by management do not use MSG. I can eat Beef from Wendy’s, but I avoid their chicken. Spices I use are McCormick, they have been without MSG since the 1990’s according to a company resource I spoke with over the phone.

Ironically, if you have ever had the Varicella (chicken pox) Vaccines or had your child vaccinated you have had MSG injected intravenously according the MSDS sheets.  It also means you’re injecting your child with a brain-damaging neurotoxin known as MSG, by the way.  Natural News Notice it refers to MSG as brain damaging neurotoxin. Why would this be considered safe to consume or inject?

Coincidentally, I had ordered a book for my aunt about bone broth and she suggested I read it before giving it to her. I was interested in bone broth after having learned about the great health benefits of true bone broth. The book was quick to introduction to MSG and how it came to be the staple ingredient in most broth bases for flavor to replace real bone broth expenses and time. The book was NOURISHING BROTH by Sally Fallon Morell. Here is a site she shares with her subscribers to help you find real food and real broth brands.

I have a notebook on this, Don’t worry this is a post that will be gradually growing!

Also check my MSG Posts on Get Healthy with Me Tribe

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List of Resources

Are you interested in the benefits of real bone broth? Learn how to make your own easy

Update (Spring 2017): I did have another reaction. I had been using a brand of Chili Powder (McCormick) that was Gluten Free and the package states MSG free, followed the recipe on the back. Had eaten it several other times, but I was mixing a batch and took a bite. I checked with the manufacturer and their rep said in 2009 their company started in a clean label initiative and there is nothing of allergens hidden in spices. They do use corn starch that comes from corn with GMO’s – represented by the phrase partially produced with genetic engineering.  He also asked if I had ever had a reaction to tomatoes or mushrooms that they contained a natural occurring Glutamic Acid that falls like MSG. My response is that I hadn’t really eaten them much till I started their recipe. So it’s possible that the reaction was to the tomatoes. I don’t remember which brand or kind I used. I have tried it with organic tomato dices and the NON-GMO Rotel green chillis, which I had previously in other recipes with no noticeable reaction. So I guess I need to see an allergist regardless. Reactions were of course not immediate, they held a delay within an hour and a half my symptoms started. Severe bathroom, feeling of throwing up (but didn’t), itchy all over, dominantly my hands and back of my neck and face. Difficulty breathing, by way of heaviness. Needless to say I took a Benadryl and the symptoms did ease off. So now I carry Benadryl in my purse.

Additional Resources:

Natural Sources of MSG

Link to Autism

Extreme Severe Food Allergies


Autism Recovery – Heavy Metal Chelation Our Story

Unlocking Autism Facebook Group

Our Chelation Story

Based on my recent health changes, I feel I know only a part harmful effects of Mercury. But I am a believer that based on just how it affected me, the impact it could have on a child, a portion of my size. I have been on a detox that included chelating heavy metals since having my amalgam replaced with composite fillings in Summer 2016. After developing food allergies that I had never had before, I started this journey and it’s unfolding and restoring new health to my body. I want the same for my kids, especially my youngest. -Rhonda Nelson

Have you heard of Autism Recovery? I have been looking into chelation for my youngest that has Down Syndrome and although not diagnosed yet, it is very likely he would be dual-diagnosed with Autism. I’m learning alot about something called Autism Recovery!

In March 2017, I was researching safe amalgam removal and biological dentists (my findings then). And found Which led me to the site I plan to feature This sight is moderated by Jan and is referred to as FAW, based on the protocol of Dr. Andrew Cutler. His method for chelation is Frequent Low Dose Chelation. They also offer a facebook support group for those who wish to safely chelate their child. This is the Our Story of Recovery Progress.

I joined the FAW yahoo support group that allowed me to get questions answered. I have been watching the comments on this group for a while feeling overwhelmed and totally intimidated and finally decided to contact and to ask about “getting started”. So I ordered the recommended book “Amalgam Illness diagnosis and treatment” by Andrew Hall Cutler PhD PE for $35.00 and it’s on its way. (For other illnesses he relates with Mercury click here.)

It was in this same week that I discovered a Yahoo Group Frequent-Dose-Chelation geared more for adults and learned about this Trace Amounts Documentary (linked below) that has tied so much of this information together for me. Here’s the trailer to see if it’s something you might be interested in, if so all the links are down below. If you don’t want to watch the whole 1:33 min long documentary (which I hope you will, it’s worth dedicating the time), there are some links to certain areas in the documentary that are specific with purpose to this post. Dr. Andrew Cutler, that wrote the book I featured above is actually interviewed as one of the professionals in this documentary.

To Watch the Full Documentary Click Here!

Mercury and Autism Relationship

I’ve prayed God would lead me to answers to improve my health and the health of my sons. Perhaps this is the answered prayer, as not all prayers come in instant healing like we prefer, some of them require action. Have you ever heard of Reversed Diagnosis of Autism, it sounds like something from the movies or a dream… but after watching this documentary, I started looking up Julia Berle and found the information I’m sharing below. Is it real? I hope to see and report back our story! This link takes you to other Recovery Stories of Frequent Low Dose Chelation.

 Meet a Pioneering Mom that recovered her son from Autism and he became the 1st Reversed Diagnosed child with Autism.
Now that her son is completely recovered, Julia advises some 250 parents of children with autism through her work with TACA (Talk About Curing Autism Now) and is a founding member of Generation Rescue, an organization that supports parents who seek new treatments for children with autism.

For Information About Julia Berle’s Organizations:

Talk About Curing Autism Now

Generation Rescue

Leaving you in an inspired place of HOPE! I will report back how this works for us. Please Read My Full Disclaimer.
Initial Report: 6/24/2017- My son with Down Syndrome is 6.5 roughly and is non-verbal, with signs of mild Autism. The Trisomy 21 Research Foundation recommends and we have been using for a period of time, the Nutravene-D daily supplement (microencapsulated formula was recommend for improved flavor) along with Nutravene Probiotic Powder. The Nutravene-D has alot of high dosage vitamins (C, D, K, B6, B12, Selenium) and many other supplements (R-Alpha lipoic acid, L-Gluthione) that have detoxing capabilities. We found this in researching magnesium and Down Syndrome along with diets, and supplements that were found to ease the symptoms of delay in Down Syndrome. Since being on Nutravene-D, I saw small gradual improvements cognitively, but the best improvements came almost a year later when I added the Nutravene Probiotic powder after finding probiotics were so healing to me in reducing inflammation. So this is some example of where we are.
  • Where he was
    • He is easily overstimulated by vaccums or when noises outside his interest are to loud.
    • He rejects potty training
    • He wasn’t playing appropriately for his age
    • He would sit in contentment for long periods and didn’t want to be interrupted
    • He grinds his teeth excessively and resulting in alot of wearing damage on his baby teeth
    • His sleep wasn’t consistent and was very restless. Waking multiple times during the night.
    • At 6 he hadn’t lost any baby teeth
    • Doesn’t like to feed himself
  • Improvements we have been seeing after a recent increase in dosage based on weight.
    • Right after increasing the dosage, he lost 2 teeth.
    • He is improving in verbal attempts of communication
    • He told me last night he had to potty and when I asked him if he wanted to sit on the potty he signed and said “ess”. So we did.
    • He now comes to get me when he wants something, like a drink or to unlock his ipad.
    • He will push a car appropriately for a period of time as to play.
    • He loves things to dangle and loves spinning. So every stuffed animal that has long legs or strings or ears he dances and dangles them.
    • After watching Gemiini he has shown interest in making his own PB&J and took interest in holding his own sandwich afterwards. It’s simple things that like that where I see progress.
    • He has become interested in helping in household chores like putting dirty dishes in the dish washer or for short periods will help vacuum. He will also get the broom and attempts to sweep.
    • A few days ago he was sitting beside his brother “playing”, they were both putting animals in their barn.

Getting Started with Frequent Low Dose Chelation

More Amalgm Fillings Resources and SMART Holistic Dentist Information
This protocol is not just limited to Autism… Some of the “diseases” a modern physician might mistakenly misdiagnose chronic mercury poisoning as are: Addison’s disease, Gastritis, Allergies, Hypogonadism, Alzheimer’s’ disease, Hypothyroidism, Amylotrophic lateral sclerosis ALS, Infertility, Ankylosing spondylitis, Insomnia, Anorexia nervosa, Irritable bowel syndrome IBS, Anxiety, Juvenile arthritis, Asthma, Learning disabilities, Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, Lupus erythromatosus, Autoimmune disease, Manic depression, Bipolar disorder, Multiple chemical sensitivities, Borderline personality disorder, Multiple sclerosis, Bulimia, Myasthenia gravis, Candidiasis, Obsessive-compulsive disorder, Chronic fatigue, Panic attacks, Colitis, Parkinson’s disease, Crohn’s disease, Pervasive developmental disorder, Depression, Psychosis, Endocrine disorders, rheumatoid arthritis, Environmental illness, Schizophrenia, Fibromyalgia, Sciatica, Food allergies, Sleep disorders, Yeast syndrome

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