Calamus Review

So last night, I was watching Remedy the Sacred Science replay and they were talking about Calamus and how it benefits the brain. I couldn’t catch the name, even after several replays to give due credit. But it mentioned the use of Calamus to improve Autism and verbal skills for non-verbal children. I also shared this link with lots of information about Calamus.

I prefer to use non-gmo, non-alcohol, organic anytime I can. This is the product I found and plan to try. First, I have cross referenced to see if there is any reason not to use this with our FLD/FAW chelation protocol.  This is ordered!!!

I prefer to try the stuff myself first to see if I notice any changes myself.

Stay Tuned, cause I will update this post with review and any gains.

Update: Arrived Sept 14.

Started with 6 drops day 1, day 2, day 3, day 4

We did put this on hold. We were struggling with Daily Diarrhea and trying to rule out the culprit.


Chelation – Round 21

Chelation – Round 21

These Chelation Round Updates are done live. They may be incomplete and unedited, so to avoid forgetting anything, they are typed up for speed.


  • Kids: (1/2 25mg DMSA, 1/2 25mg ALA) 
  • Myself: 25mg DMSA, 25mg ALA

On Round Gains and Regression Reports:

  • Day 1 – Potty training has been going better this week. I added a new task to change it up a little. Rye is riding his scooter each potty trip. Rotating right foot and left foot for pushing. He likes it and is even starting to steer.
  • Day 2 – On the 8th dose this Round, I had left my phone out in the car and missed my Round reminder. So we dropped the 3 hour ALA and went to 4 hour doses of DMSA only.
  • Day 2 – Rye was very rambunctious in Speech, his attention was scattered and wasn’t able to sit much. Something that may have contributed, he didn’t drink all of his supplements in the OJ before speech. He had a few misses on reciprocal stair climbing.
  • Day 2 – Eye contact returning this Round.
  • Day 3 – PT/OT went well. He is improving on the balance beam. His continuous jumping is still something he’s working on. His fine motor is still improving. Today his scooter board riding went really well in a straight line so they changed it up to ziz-zags.
  • Day 3 – Rye has been sneaking out the front door to the front swing alot today. He knows he’s not supposed to and you can see the sheer delight when I find him, he just laughs.

Off Round Gains and Regression Reports:

  • This has definitely been our best Round. We have had lots of “typical moments”. Rye has been playing with tractors- pulling trailers (he always took them apart). He played in the dirt, pushed a tractor and truck at the ball field the other day. We were so proud of his dirt covered hands and face.
  • He found some books in his room that we haven’t used in a while and he was all about them. He was pressing the buttons and making the sounds. He remembered how to work the book that had sheets to exchange.
  • Every week at church he picks new people to go speak to or hug.
  • He’s grown fond of the little siblings of Big Bro’s teammates. He gets so excited to see the baby and wants to hold her hand, he is usually very gentle without reminding, but I still do. He is really enjoying his time in the dugout this season.
  • Rye is laughing out loud at stuff more often.
  • He just took off his diaper and handed it to me, yes it was a little wet… I got the hint. Potty training has been going much better and Off Round the frequency is much less, so the chelators are making it a challenge On Round to get him to the potty often enough, Off Round it’s the total opposite for potty breaks. I read somewhere that ALA is a diuretic and helps you eliminate frequently.

We extended our week off, because we had a camping trip and didn’t want to be dosing while traveling.

  • We camped in Asheboro, NC to go the the NC Zoo. Rye loved the polar bear best (an overall family favorite). He was most impressed with the things that swam like the polar bear, the seals, the puffins, and the sea lions. He rode in a stroller most of the time, but wanted to get out and walk more often than years past. He was preoccupied with the morning’s downpour of rain. He said lion, but didn’t want me to sign a lot, he would say no.
  • First travels since we have come along in Chelation. We have noticed that Rye no longer stims when someone touches his hair or face. That was huge for him as a tot, everyone touched his hair or nose and he would have to run it as if to remove the touch. He doesn’t stim in the vehicle hardly at all. We had minimal rocking stim when he was standing. We barely used the ACE and his stimming was still minimal. The biggest fixation new to notice that stims Rye in the vehicle now is nothing can be in the seat between Brig Bro and himself. He gets upset even if Brother puts his arm there, but if anything is laid there it’s automatically put in the floor.
  • He remembered the movies in the camper and asked to go in it, immediately he opened the doors to pick a movie. The part that was different this season is that he looked at the movies in the pile, he didn’t get them out and line them up to choose. He also didn’t do a lot of sorting this weekend typical for what he does at home.he was able to get in and out of the camper with little assistance. He was quick to learn how to use the DVD player and would wait on me to tell him to push play.
  • Potty training this continued week off Round has been revealing. He of course still is reluctant to stop to go, but is going and often on the trip he stayed dry for 2-3 hours and only had a few accidents each day. He is very fixated on flushing, he loved the camper foot flusher and after demonstrating one time, he had it
  • He is picking up books and magazines and browsing them more frequently. He wants to point out letters and numbers in his day to day.
  • He is constantly sniffing flowers or even photos of flowers.

2nd week extension of Round break.

  • Monday after our trip and getting settled back in, we started our homework from ETSU Behavior and Wellness (cause I forgot to take the sheet camping). We were sorting with his stuffed animals, we had a great “special time” so we went beyond our 5 s. He remained quiet at first, by the end of the 5 mins, we were hearing singing to a finger Family song that developed. He was trying to sing each part. He did great!!! Big bro and I were so proud and even recorded part of it. He sang with us a good 30 mins!
  • Our ball game and practice experiences this week have been going well, he’s interacting with the kids in dugout. He’s been greeting people less this week I they are not as familiar. But he was back in routine (after 2 week break) at horse therapy this week and hugging those he knew and paused for the young lady that doesn’t like hugs and went around her without my prompting.

6/25/18 We have really extended this break, var more than I intended. We ran out of the Core 4 supplements in between starting rounds and you need to be on them 2 weeks consecutively before starting a round. The boys had to have teeth pulled due to impacted teeth and we kinda weren’t sure when that would happen. So Yesterday, we are working to get the Core 4 Back in full routine and begin chelating again in 2 weeks.

  • A HUUUGGGGEEE great gains report Jun 11, 2018, Rye had 3 teeth extracted by Dr. Bower’s of Johnson City, TN. The thought of this brought me much anxiety, I just didn’t know how this would go and anticipated having to have him put to sleep. Honestly, we almost went that route without trying. Dr. Bowers assured us he could get the teeth based on how Rye acted in his consultation. He went in and was very stimmed in the proceedure room. With much prayer was upon him, we let him do his own thing until the Dr. came in. He gave the Dr. a thumbs up, and upon invite he climbed up on the table. The Dr. put the happy gas mask on. I told Rye, do you smell that… and he started sniffing. You could see him looking around as they put the topical gel on all the areas to prep them for the numbing. The Dr. ask Rye to reopen his mouth and Rye shook his head and opened his mouth. I held his hands. He made the injections to numb the areas. I saw his toes rotate from relaxed to raised slowly go back to relaxed, To this point we have NO TEARS!!! 3 teeth were extracted with still no tears. Rye walked out of the place with no tears and was a happy camper. It was only we got to the parking lot and he unintentionally bit his lip while the numbing was still in effect that he cried. He bit a pretty bad tissue bite in his lip. This would have never happened before we chelated!!! I know God came over him in peace and he felt safe.
  • I will report that the last dental cleaning I had, Rye sat in the chair beside me and watched the majority of the visit. He only really seemed to stim a little by rocking when it was time to use the polishing tool. It kinda has a stimulating motorized noise. But he did great. I didn’t have to leave my chair any. He even helped them use the suction in my mouth when invited.
  • Today Rye’s iPad died while he was watching it at the table. He came back in later and wanted it and I said it’s dead, it needs to be charged. He took it and set it by the charging station and walked off! Wow!

See Previous Round                                                                          Skip to Next Round

Follow All Rounds Here at our Chelation Rounds Journal

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-God Bless! Rhonda

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Candida the Yeast Beast

This post is full of links intended to help you find out more about what I did and have learned quickly, there are also shopping links to help you, with where I have found the best prices for the products I use and mention. I am no medical professional, so please Read My Disclaimers.

Since my first detox (also known as a Candida Cleanse), I’m constantly learning new things about Candida. Each step unlocks another door to more information. Fighting yeast has been one of the most beneficial things from my detox. I contribute a lot of my weight loss to it, pounds around the belly that wouldn’t go away melted when I began treating yeast. It’s justly, called the Yeast Beast because it can be difficult to control and can result in behavior side effects. It affect weight loss and I can’t remember my source right now, but it can contribute to extra pounds in the spare tire, if you know what I mean (the flora in the gut can weigh up to 6 pounds, I’m assuming that in typical circumstance – from a speaker of a NSP Seminar). There is not just one way perfect way to fight Candida, there are many things that work. Candida is a big issue, I have been learning about in the world of Autism and it’s amazing that it affects behavior so extremely. Below, you will learn more about how heavy metal toxicity can make candida worse, I’ll cover all these things, what I use to combat it and more in this post.

Today I want to cover

  • What it is
  • How do you get it
  • How to detect it
  • What it does to you
  • How to combat it
  • Die-Off

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What it is

Candida is the imbalance of opportunistic bad bacteria (a fungi) in the gut caused by to much Candida yeast. It affects adults and children just the same.

Basically, Candida yeast feeds off sugar and can get overrun in your gut. It acts like a parasite to its host. It gives off toxins, it creates cravings to control its host. The symptoms of the toxins it releases can alter your behavior. A natural part of the yeast’s life cycle, when overrun is its harmful yeast cells are constantly reproducing and dying. This creates a constant stream of toxins being released into your bloodstream. Your liver purifies your blood and rids the body of the toxins. Candida has an overloading effect on the liver and it’s function which can result in die-off symptoms. If the liver becomes overloaded due to all this extra work, it ends up storing the some of those Candida metabolites until it can process them later. Unfortunately, it does this by sending them to the fat cells in your body. Women store most of their fat around their hips, belly and thighs – so this is where the toxins end up. This typically results in stubborn fat deposits that become harder and harder to shift.-quoted from

How do you get it

  • Taking One dose of antibiotics,
  • Steriods
  • C-Section birth
  • Taking Oral Contraceptives
  • Frequent Swimmers
  • Eating conventional animal foods – GMO’s/Non-Organic/GrassFed
  • Leaky Gut
  • Frequently swimming in a chlorinated pool
  • Eating foods containing Sugar, White Flour or Yeast (most of your processed foods)
  • Consumption of Alcohol

How to detect it

  • The fastest way to detect is if you have a white coating on your tongue.
  • The following symptoms below
  • not necessary to test for it

Symptoms – What it does to you

  • It can affect your glucose levels and contribute to diabetes. It causes a vicious cycle to your blood sugar levels to fluctuate, triggering hormones that generate a never-ending constant craving for sweet, carbohydrate-rich foods. It would seem this craving can never be fulfilled even when you binge out. I plan to explore this further and update more info.
  • Slows down your metabolism, Constantly Tired
  • Lack of Sexual Drive
  • Disrupts normal detoxification processes
  • It can interfere with your appetite.
  • Brain Fog
  • Heart
  • Chronoic UTI’s or Infections
  • Leaky Gut
  • IBS Irritable bowel Syndrome
  • Gas/Bloating
  • Joint Pain
  • poor skin
  • Chronic Yeast Infections
  • Severe Allergies or Itcy Ears
  • Runny Nose
  • Improper nutrient absorption
  • Indigestion
  • Weak Immune Function

Heavy Metal Toxicity interferes with the ability to keep Candida under control.  This was a real problem for me and even Rye for a while. Chelation under the protocol we are using with Heavy Metals can temporarily increase yeast, but below I will cover helpful supplements to manage it. This means that if you or a loved one has Autism, they are very susceptible to yeast and their symptoms may be flaring without a connection being made.

How to Combat it

Candida yeast feeds off sugar overrun in your gut. It acts like a parasite to its host. It gives off toxins, it creates cravings to control its host. The symptoms of the toxins it releases can alter your behavior. You can have extra weight in your gut when Candida gets overrun. Change the way you are eating a few weeks to several months (you’ll see cravings leave). Now you can change your diet back to your old way of eating and the candida can come back, keep it in check. The best ways to defeat Candida are Diet, Sweetener Alternatives, Anti-Fungal and Immune Supporting SupplementsDiatomaceous Earth and Essential Oils, lets look at these now:

By Diet: Avoid Fruit while you are getting the Candida under control. Go with a Low Sugar Candida-Diet. Stuff like Veggies (avoid starchy veggies like corn, potatoes, yams, beats and peas), eating Garlic, High Quality Protiens (organic-grassfeds), gluten free grains (Rice/Millet). Cook with coconut oils (350 degrees or below). Bone Broth.

My friend, Casey found and shared this blog that was very interesting and provided lots of info for a Candida detox. I highly recommend this read, it puts the whole process into perspective to help you attain your goal to attack your Candida!!!!

Fermented Sources: Body Ecology’s Products like Coconut Kefir: Cocobiotics

Diatomaceous Earth is a great way to combat Candida as well as Parasites.



Jennifer also successfully treated her own health issues with candida by following the Body Ecology diet.

“I knew something was out of balance, but did not have a name for my condition…I feel better today at 38 years old than I did at 20 years old. It’s like waking up from a deep fog. I have found that using the fermented foods on a daily basis, that my eating habits have naturally come to a greater balance. At this point I ‘crave’ green foods, quality proteins, and fermented foods, mostly.”


Changing Sweeteners: Substitute Sugar with NuStevia (make sure you click to read why you don’t want to use Stevia from the store.) The main things are benefits are greater and negative stevia side effects are less likely. This type of stevia is about 30–40 times sweeter than sugar. There are also no fillers, leaving you bloated.

By Supplements: I use some anti-fungal supplements as well. Ground Flax Seeds and Chia Seeds (use with caution if you are taking Rx drugs, this may interfere), Supplements like garlic supplements, pau d’arco, Candase, Apple Cider Vinegar, Coconut Oil, Candida Growth Inhibitors like one of my all around Favorites Turmeric, Cinnamon (heals oral thrush).  My Candida Fighter Supplement List can be found here. Cocobiotics is also a big one to fight candida, it’s fermented and you start with 1oz/day, working up to 1-2 oz per meal.

Probiotics are recommended to take at night or on an empty stomach for best absorption. When you are taking anti-fungal supplements above, take 2-4 hours apart from probiotics.

Essential Oils: Remember EOs are by far more potent than herbals and can be used topically more often till symptoms subside without risk of over consumption. The best oils for Candida I have read about are: Oregano, Myrrh, Lavender, Cinnamon and Turmeric Oils. You could do oil pulls with these oils (diluted in coconut oil)


Don’t be scared of Die-Off it’s already occurring on a small basis, it’s temporary and treatable. Pau D’arco, Vitamin-C, Garlic and Milk Thistle Basically, it’s the Candida releasing toxins as one last attempt to take over, similar to parasites. This can be prevented by taking a little benonite clay, ground flax seeds* or chia seeds, cause they will help absorb the toxins and pull them out. Activated charcoal* can assist pulling toxins out too. Grapeseed extract, pau d’arco and Candida ease are some other great ways to fight the yeast/Candida. A liquid diet can help, it takes the stress off your body for digestion and allows your body to put energy toward healing. My die off experience: When I got the a rash it was on my arms, chest and mid section and the top of my legs. It lasted a day – a day and half. I was already doing the chia and flax seed at the time. It was recommended to pause the use of the VIVI and ONLY in response to the die off take extra Liposomal C-LRA (keep in fridge-2tsp/d) which you learn about next. Here is a great video by Dr. Axe and Jordan Rubin about ridding the CandidaHere is another resource from Robert Scott Bell, Remove inflammation and regenerate tissue from the effects of Antibiotics… Take along with Aloe to get it to your gut for repair. This who mentioned it in his presentation with the Truth About Cancer, The Ultimate Symposium. Here is his direct protocol.…/2-oz-59-ml-dropper.h…

On important thing to remember is that probiotics are bacteria too, just good bacteria. Some of the natural antifungals are not selective enough to only kill bad bacteria so you should make sure probiotics are doses at least 4 hours away from antifungals. – See more at:

  • Ground Flax seed and Activated Charcoal can cause absorption of Rx medications, take hours apart.

Additional resources you might enjoy:

This is the NEXT STEP after fighting Candida if you are working toward weight loss.

Facebook Group Health Talk – I share information I run across that haven’t had time to actually post on.

Unlocking Autism Facebook Group – I share information on Chelation for Autism, Asperger, ADHD, Anxiety, Autoimmune Diseases, Amylotrophic Lateral Sclerosis ALS, learning disabilities, Parkinson’s Disease, Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders, Borderline Personality Disorders, Crohn’s disease, Colitis, Sciatica, Fibromyalgia, Gastritis, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Sleep Disorders, Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia, Yeast Syndrome, Environmental Illness, Multiple Chemical Sensitivities, Lupus Erythromatosus, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Manic Depressive Disorder and more.

Chelation Kickoff – Round 1

We are following FAW PROTOCOL! You MUST read the FAW book for this protocol to know all the SAFE to do’s and not to do’s. AS RECOMMENDED, We are beginning with DMSA only for the first Range of Rounds (1-8). A round consists of a 72 hour (3 day) period where DMSA is administered every 4 hours. After we observe gains and losses (improvements or setbacks), we will eventually add in the ALA as recommended and then all doses must go to 3 hour intervals. This page is an ongoing post to share our personal experience. Follow All Rounds Here at our Chelation Rounds Journal


I read the FAW book and joined the groups recommended in that link. We did the basic requirements of the FAW PROTOCOL, the Essential 4 for a good period of time more than the required 2 weeks. We also had diet pretty controlled diet to avoid yeast flare ups. We also did a hair analysis on my youngest, we all parasite cleansed at the onset of a full moon and used cocobiotics to get gut health in check. I also researched and bought adrenal support supplements like ACE and GRAPEFRUIT EXTRACT to have on hand. The FAW book gives all the suggested supplements and when/why to use them.


So I followed the FAW book to get dosage worked out by weight. That kinda takes some configuring I was nervous and got some tips from the group. If you round it to the nearest division not exceeding .5mg per pound of the child (I read that on one of the groups and had it in my notes). Also to make calculations simple it may be easier to combine 2 pills and work from an even number to divide up doses. One suggested a capsule machine from Swanson and doing multiple divisions at a time, inexpensive enough to try! I went with the O size.

Our Factors for Chelation

So here are some factors to our situation. My son with DS, is in process of getting autism evaluation, but is inline with a diagnosis. He just turned 7 years old. His big bro is 8.

We are chelating both of them, they were both vaccinated till age 5. They had received flu vaccines and flu nasal mists most years till last year. Neither of my boys have Amalgams, so it was safe. By the FAW PROTOCOL, it is not safe to chelate with Amalgam Fillings, Caps or other dental work because it causes redistribution of the heavy metals and can cause unwanted side effects. My suggestion READ THE BOOK, it’s affordable and necessary. Another Dental concern, my oldest has braces on his upper teeth and a palatal expander appliance. The FAW book mentioned chelation in relation to braces, but the palatal expander appliance wasn’t mentioned and the material looks very much like caps. I did search the facebook group and found comments from Dr. Andrew Cutler himself regarding this. I highly suggest the Facebook groups they are searchable (links to suggested groups can be found here).


We had a great opening to get started fall baseball had been moved for Fall Breaks. I chose to start at 5:30pm after horse therapy. It allowed for 5:30, 9:30, 1:30 doses day and through the night for the 3 days, adding up as the 72 hour round. For night doses have Everything laid out the night before and it goes pretty smooth. I used my timer option on my iPhone and it is set to go off every 3 hours and 55 mins, allowing 5 mins to prep and administer. When the timer goes off I can choose to click the restart button and I get a constant reminder.

Administering the doses

If your child can tolerate swallowing pills like my oldest, it’s super easy! For my youngest our initial plan was a half spoonful of honey with powder in it (stirring it in a small area not the whole perimeter of the honey). I keep a water nearby to flush out the mouth and throat to chase the dose with, in hopes to deter dental issues. The FAW Groups have support to help with administering doses (I will add the link here later).

Journal Dose times: Always write the dose times down for reference, if a timer fails you!!! I was recording times, when an alarm failed me on Round 4, and in a tired sleepy state it was easy to determine the intended dose we missed and to end Round redistribution had already begun.

Our Personal Experience Notes:

Unlocking Autism Facebook Group

My verbal oldest reported some dizziness, some queeziness in his tummy like on a roller coaster ride and a weak feeling in the knees. No other mentionable reports. These could all have been coincidence, but I mentioned them for sake of documenting!

Side Note: 36 hours into our chelation, my oldest got distracted and didn’t take his dose, laid it down and I found it 1.5 hours after the dose time, based on the protocol IT IS NOT RECOMMENDED to take a late dose beyond an hour due to redistrubution (30 min minimum if using ALA). So for him, we have to discontinue the round and will have to pick up next time to be safe.

Gains/Losses noticed while on Round

In my youngest, Rye, we saw stimming on a bit more excelerated level, at times that were more than in the month prior. Grinding (day time only) was heavy, but not as consistent as over the month prior. So it was more intense for shorter periods. We expected some more adrenal symptoms like stimming and aggression.  So we were already giving some adrenal support based on recommendations from hair analysis.

  • Rye has been working on stairs for a good time now, he can go up reciprocally well, going down is more strugglsome. For let’s say a year, well since we got a tracking band for him, he has been able to open the door, step out on the porch and would run to the edge and wait. He would never take a step without support and a hand going down (even though it’s just those 2 steps). Within 12 hours of starting Chelation, he went out the door with me and walked to the end, while I did my usual lock the door routine, he took prop on the pole and took both steps and successfully went down the steps without any intervention.
  • Perhaps coincidence, I’ll easily admit, but I have been watching his teeth pretty close up front and last night he has a upper incisor loose. To age 7, he has only lost his two lower incisors. The last time he got loose teeth we increased the dosage of Nutravene-D and he lost 2 teeth quickly.
  • His speech at times is more clear, but is attempting longer phrases. Day 2, this morning when my oldest joined me on the couch, Rye ran over and it sounded like he said, “I sit with you.” to his brother. Most of his talking is like “ow for cow” and “oo for moo”. He will say “Dadd-ee”, but mom always was like a “m-uhmm” call for assistance. His “mom” is becoming more clear.

Gains/Losses Post Round

  • He had a super good PT/OT session.
  • His reciprocal up the stairs is defined, but is showing greater gains on reciprocally going down the stairs.
  • He’s finally dominated with his right hand after a over a month of being ambidextrous.

Follow All Rounds Here at our Chelation Rounds Journal

Autism Child Recovery Resources

Unlocking Autism Facebook Group

Vaccine Injured is a new term to me until 2016, I’m sharing cases of some examples of cases reporting diagnosis were reversed. I’m collecting resources so this is a building post.

Unlocking Autism Facebook Group


My 8 yr old watched this video with me. Without me saying a word, he said, “Wow, that’s just like Rye, he did the same things.”

Other Protocols of Chelation

(different that what we are doing)

This is the very first recovery story I heard. It wasn’t using this same protocol but was using a chelation method similar to remove metal toxicity. He refers to what he did as a “continuious pull”, which is much of the method behind the ACC protocol we are using.
Dr. Rashid Buttar is a one of 186 Board Certified Doctors in Metal Toxicity. He practices in SC, and at the time I called (a year ago) his office they were not accepting new patients. Because of his education, God used his knowledge to work in the circumstances of his vaccine injured son, to help him fully recover his son!
His son was vaccine injured, he developed Autism after vaccines and lost his speech at 14 months.  He used Transdermal DMPS after 3 years of age. After starting Abie regained speech in 3 months. Grab a tissue and watch Abie’s story and Dr. Buttar’s interview is below that. In other videos he explains how mercury hides and why it affects some kids and not others and isn’t detected till after chelation is started.

Here is his full 9 part video explaining autism and recovery. MUST SEE!

Here is my YouTube link to other all Recovery Stories I’m collecting!

This is a collection of Reovery Resources I find for the Fight Autism and Win, based on the Cutler Protocol, Frequent Low Dose Chelation.

Child Recovery Stories

Adult Recovery Stories

Regarding Caroline related link

The Facebook Groups shared on this other page are full of posts of Gains Reports.

This was the second case of recovery I had heard. Julia Berle – Read Their Story about recovering Baxter

Jennifer Boddie Read Their Story

Methods Outside of Chelation

Jenny McCarthy claims her son Evan didn’t use chelation (as she states) but, they did you other diet and holistic methods. I even heard her mention a hyperbaric chamber, and we have access to one of those in Elizabethton, TN at SOZO Life and Wellness.

Want to follow our personal progress?

Want to start your own Journal of Recovery

Assistive Technology

I had heard of Proloquo2Go a few years back from our ARC rep when we were with TEIS. At the time she told me about it, it wasn’t something I felt like Rye could manage or myself at that time. Honestly, I just didn’t know enough about it.

We receive services like speech through the school IEP, as homeschoolers in TN.  I really love Riley’s speech teacher, she has been amazing blessing in our life. When I mentioned the program, she shared she had seen some having success with Proloquo2Go. I ask about it for Rye at the end of the school year, so part of our plan was to try it out with Rye this year. ASL is his primary means of communication with me (and mostly me), I thought it might be something we could attempt for Assisted Technology, especially since it was recommended highly from his evaluating MD at Olsen-Huff to provide him a secondary means of communication. 

This year when we resumed Speech, she started working with him on some of the first words. The second week he did ok reviewing, but nothing really stood out. The third week happened to fall on his birthday. She had a party theme for speech to get him initiate asking for what he wants. It clicked and went really well. By the end of the session, he was forming sentence structure for his requests. It wasn’t mastered but showed great inspiration of hope that he was ready and able to use this.

Sept 29, 2017 I found out today that it is approved for Rye and we will begin using that as a means of communication. And our IEP will now state Assistance technology required. Yippee!

Sept 30, 2017 Happy Mom Report: Our first weekend trying it out at home and after 3 lessons introducing PLQ2Go in speech, Rye typed these sentences consistent with his his signingrequests for a drink.

1st attempt

2nd attempt as fast as I could get the other request cleared. Then he touched it to hear playback!

The next step will be introducing concepts like opposites to expose what he understands.

Parasite Cleanse Time 3-4 days before Next Full Moon phase

Some Symptoms of Parasites

  1. constipation, diarrhea, gas, or bloating
  2. traveler’s diarrhea while traveling abroad
  3. food poisoning and your digestion has not been the same since
  4. trouble falling asleep, or you wake up multiple times during the night
  5. skin irritations, rashes, hives, rosacea, or eczema
  6. grinding your teeth at night
  7. pain or aching in your muscles or joints.
  8. fatigue, exhaustion, depression, or feelings of apathy.
  9. not feeling satisfied or full after meals
  10. anemia (iron deficiency)
  11. occasionally feel something like wiggling or twitching or stunning in certain parts of your body
  12. body itches in various places such as ears, anus, or skin

How Do I Get Parasites?

Pets, undercooked meat, raw fish, traveling and consuming contaminated water or food can give you parasites. It’s best not to let pets sleep on your bed or lick you in the face. This one my mom always shared with kids, walking barefoot can allow parasites to enter your feet. My guess is that if you are a fellow flip flop/sandal wearer, that probably applies to you too. Food handlers (who don’t wash their hands) can pass on parasites in food preparation.

I would know if I had parasites right?

I didn’t know or suspect parasites until I did a Scan. Parasites can easily go undetected because they bury themselves in the walls of organs and lining of the intestines trying to guarantee their survival.

When should I do a parasite cleanse?

Parasite cleansing is recommended during a Full Moon phase, because the several days before and on the New Moon parasites detach from the walls of the organs and lining of the intestines to breed and to lay eggs. This makes the Full Moon phase the easiest time to get to rid them.

2017 start just a few days before Sept 6, Oct 5, Nov 4 and Dec 3.

2018 start just a few days before Jan 1 and Jan 31… more in 2018

Natural parasite cleanse programs should last 7 to 14 days (or longer, if you suspect a lot of them) to allow the parasites to complete the breeding cycle and the new eggs to hatch and die off.

Possible Side Effects

It’s not uncommon to have some die-off symptoms during this time. The die-off symptoms are a result from the toxins released as the parasites die, one last attempt they make at trying to live. These symptoms can imitate the flu, but typically show up as a rash. For more die-off information check this site. Here is a nice reference as well. This is basically the overload of toxins on your liver and kidneys. Not to be scared, just stick to the plan and supplement with some Milk Thistle and drink plenty of water. My first cleanse also included a candida cleanse along with a fungal cleanse and the die-off was a raised and itchy rash on my arms, mid section and top of my legs. I took larger doses of vitamin c (an antioxidant) as well as cut back on the cleanses until my body had a chance to catch up.

Parasite Cleanses We’ve Used

Don’t let cleanse scare you, this will not run you to the restroom more. Other than remembering to take the supplements by the recommended dosages that’s about all you have to worry about. I recommend a  parasite cleanse that you are comfortable with, but if you are like me and not sure where to begin this was the Parasite Cleanse I did with Sozo Life and Wellness. It was customized for my Scan results. ARG – Artimisinin (2 slowly increasing to 3 capsules-immediately before breakfast and supper), Mix in 1/4 cup of water: Enula (30 drops) and Crypto Plus (20 drops) – taking mixture immediately before breakfast and supper. I also took a few samples of Diatomaceous Earth (1tsp with the water mixture above).

Para Cleanse (10 day)

My husband used this Nature’s Sunshine para-cleanse-10-day. I have read that some boxed Parasite cleanses are less effective cause they use lower doses of the supplements. This is a brand I trust for if you prefer a boxed-deal. It recommends doing these twice with the moon cycles.

Final Thoughts

I value a quality probiotic along with and after any cleanse!!! Also it’s good to do a followup cleanse to make sure that any egg larve don’t remain. I have seen mention that some people do parasite cleanses annually.

I have read some information and studies that the toxins the parasites produce can have a neurological effect on it’s host. For more information on Parasites taking control over their hosts, read about this one in Number 3. “When night approaches, the flukes take control. They make the ant climb up a blade of grass and hold tight, waiting to be eaten by a grazing animal. If the ant is still alive at dawn, the flukes release their control and the ant goes about its day like normal (if the ant baked in the sun, the parasite would die, too). At night the flukes take over again and the cycle repeats until the ant becomes cattle food.” Quoted from Joseph Bennington-Castro.

Do you think there could be more to the Full Moon comment after reading this, makes you think!


Did you know??? Mosquitos can share more than a bite?

Mosquitoes can carry certain diseases, such as West Nile virus, malaria, yellow fever and dengue fever. The mosquito obtains a virus or parasite by biting an infected person or animal. Then, when biting you, the mosquito can transfer that virus or parasite to you through its saliva. West Nile and encephalitis viruses are found in the United States. Dengue fever has been reported in several southern states and Hawaii. Other diseases, such as malaria and yellow fever, are far more common in tropical areas of the world.

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Fight Autism and Win – Our Step by Step Journey

According to the book, Amalgam Illness: Diagnosis and Treatment, if you know someone that is within the spectrum of Autism OR Some of the “diseases” a modern physician might mistakenly misdiagnose chronic mercury poisoning as are: Addison’s disease, Gastritis, Allergies, Hypogonadism, Alzheimer’s’ disease, Hypothyroidism, Amylotrophic lateral sclerosis ALS, Infertility, Ankylosing spondylitis, Insomnia, Anorexia nervosa, Irritable bowel syndrome IBS, Anxiety, Juvenile arthritis, Asthma, Learning disabilities, Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, Lupus erythromatosus, Autoimmune disease, Manic depression, Bipolar disorder, Multiple chemical sensitivities, Borderline personality disorder, Multiple sclerosis, Bulimia, Myasthenia gravis, Candidiasis, Obsessive-compulsive disorder, Chronic fatigue, Panic attacks, Colitis, Parkinson’s disease, Crohn’s disease, Pervasive developmental disorder, Depression, Psychosis, Endocrine disorders, rheumatoid arthritis, Environmental illness, Schizophrenia, Fibromyalgia, Sciatica, Food allergies, Sleep disorders, Yeast syndrome you may be interested in the following information. This is alot of information to absorb, so don’t feel rushed, there are plenty of links included to help you along the way. Book mark this page for your easy reference. In a hurry, this is a document you can link to as well for easy printing. If your child has an underlying Seizure Disorder, is possible but further consideration is required FIRST. See Ch 8, p. 31 in the FAW book.

July 29, 2017, Andrew Hall Cutler, Ph.D., P.E. passed, what a great legacy he left so many. I am thankful for his work and it is helping my family!

God led me through it, to lead me to it!

My spill: I feel a calling to share this information, I pray if you stumbled across this post, it was by no accident. When you think of Autism, you generally don’t think of recovery. But I’m here to share hope I am learning from other families, to show you why I feel God led me to this journey in this season of our lives. At this time, my story is sharing what we are doing. Prayerfully, like other families I hope to soon share Rye’s Autism Recovery Story, until then this post will remain ongoing as the story unfolds.

I am doing this protocol for my sons and myself (in 3 months, here’s why I am waiting), to counteract side effects from vaccinations and prenatal exposures to the mercury leaked from my dental work and flu vaccination, while I was pregnant. I myself have recently had Amalgam fillings removed and replaced, and had exposure complications, leading me to learn the hard way, the method I used was unsafe.

Mercury Toxic Support for Adults

Amalgam Illness: Diagnosis and Treatment 
A book on how to cure mercury poisoning  by Andrew Hall Cutler, PhD, PE can also be purchased at

Frequent Dose Chelation Yahoo group

Facebook Group

MUST SEE Recovery Stories!!!!

Autism Support

My youngest son has Down Syndrome ad as a candidate for dual-diagnosis of Autism , we sought that out too. As we got that diagnosis (Mar 2018) to be documented certain and not just guessing that he has autism. My other son has had vaccinations, I also want to make sure we remove any heavy metals from him as well.

This post contains shows you step-by-steps where I started, but it does not in any way replace reading the book, and it will be updated to help anyone following. The book, Fight Autism and Win (Second Edition) has inspired the hope I needed to do this! I strongly recommend this protocol and encourage the support groups offered.

Here is my Checklist:

Click to Buy the Book!
  • Joined Groups 2 Yahoo Support Groups (you can join these before having the books) The groups are full of knowledge and they allow you to engage with the authors, glean from Todd more experienced in the journey, search previous posts from authors and they have an online library in the Groups.
  • Facebook Support Groups (you can join these before having the books) The groups are full of knowledge and they allow you to engage with the authors, search previous posts from authors and they have an online library in the Groups.
  • If you feel like you want One-on-One support, Author Tressie Taylor offers a consulting opportunity. The initial consult is $90. Followups and Q&A are offered for reduced prices.
  • Book Ordered – Fight Autism and Win (Second Edition) by Jan Martin and Tressie Taylor, These are two optional additional resources (not required to get started) with unlocking the Autism in your kiddo: Amalgam Illness, diagnosis and treatment What you can do to get better by Andrew Hall Cutler, PHD PE and Hair Test Interpretation: Finding Hidden Toxicities by Andrew Hall Cutler, PHD PE
  • My kids have no amalgam fillings, we are able to start right away. If your children have amalgam fillings, (braces and appliances need to be verified with the dentist) do not chelate until those are properly “SMART” removed.  For more information about why the amalgam is unsafe remaining in your teeth, watch The Smoking Tooth.
  • Parasite Cleanse – (not required) Supplies Ordered and in place for application with the next full moon phase (click the link). We had already done this cleanse through our family earlier in the year, but repeated for good measure. Because parasites love metals in the body and they put out their own toxins and biofilm to maintain their optimal host opportunity.
  • The book Fight Autism and Win covers some details about the importance of special diets like Gluten, Soy and Casein Free (GFCFSF) or even GAPS diet. The main thing you want to do is clean up your gut health to maximize your immune system, reduce inflammation and improve behaviors (there is a link to your gut afterall)! Much of this can be done by treating Candida – Yeast. We had already been doing this over the last year, and amped it up in late June 2017. Late June, we had also started Cocobiotics + Turmeric for gut health. Since we started using this, as I reread FAW, I found this company is listed in the resources of the book that I had overlooked.  Also view this resource for all kinds of suggestions on dosing, how to get kids to take supplements, recipes for making gummies, menu planning, parasite cleansing, etc. Your water source is also very important during chelation, our area often has levels of lead, arsenic and other heavy metals. Avoid tap water, even water filtered through your fridge may still contain fluoride and other metals. Click here to find out about good filtration and safe bottled water options.
  • You need Chelators, find out what they are here! I’ve ordered the Chelating Products from here -Bottles average $16-20 for both DMSA and ALA+shipping (expect up to 3 weeks to arrive). CHECK -Our first order was placed Sunday, July 17 and arrived July 26. 
  • Need to Order Supporting Supplements referred to as the Basic Essential Four E4 (Magnesium, Vitamin C, Vitamin E and Zinc (p 17). I found most of these on Amazon click the links below to quickly add to your cart (quick links below). This felt complicated at first, but there if you sit down a few mins ahead of time you can put these into capsules and it’s much less time consuming to take. I have since then learned that of a simple source of the E4, but slightly costly source to order these supplements, but they can often be back ordered, it’s best to stock up and as you get to one bottle order (so you aren’t running out just before or mid round).
  • Get Pre Chelation Hair Analysis Samples, then order the Hair Elements Test $90.00 – CHECK- ordered/shipped and analysis results arrived follow our experience here. Lead was in issue we have to deal with before chelating (the link to that info is found in the Hair Analysis link)
  • Start the Core 4 Supporting Supplements and multivitamin (make sure it doesn’t contain cilantro) 2 weeks prior to starting the Chelation Products. – CHECK- we are on the supplements. Don’t skip this step!!! These are necessary to minimize body fatigue and the combination helps regulate the chemistry of the body, so that the chelation doesn’t start pulling nutrients out of bones. Starting to treat Candida – Yeast is another helpful area to start.
  • BEFORE WE Could Start!!! We had a few delays and didn’t get to start chelation in July like I had hoped. Our Hair Analysis showed high levels of lead. We are tracing the possible source of lead before we begin the Chelation Products 3 days on, 4 days off. Make sure you follow the book guidelines (Fight Autism and Win (Second Edition). If you have had exposure to Mercury (fillings, restoration removals, vaccines) in the past 3 months you need to wait 3 months to use ALA, but DMSA can be used as soon as 4 days after. Starting low with DMSA and adding ALA in between 2-10 rounds, I am told this reduces the toxic load before adding the ALA which crosses the Blood Brain Barrier! – CHECK!
  • Check out these recovery stories
  • Starting Rounds – We got the boys started on Rounds, follow our progress. Our Full Round Index  – CHECK!

Quick Reference Link

Not sure where to buy, EZShop the Recommended Supplements -Reference Chapter 5

(these are the supplements I tried to get started – subject to change at any time)

The book is necessary for success in this protocol. It offers so much information on supplements to help in adrenal areas and is a wealth of of information. These links are in no way intended to replace reading the book, everything I do is in reference to the book and I am following it as closely as possible. Click the book image Fight Autism and Win by Jan Martin and Tressie Taylor to purchase your copy! These are the items I bought, only 4 are required to be used the entire time of chelating.




I have since then learned that of a simple source of the Core E4, but slightly more convient and costly source (dicount code FAW20) to order these supplements, but they can often be back ordered, it’s best to stock up and as you get to one bottle order (so you aren’t running out just before or mid round).



Other helpful sources we have used…

The Rhodiola was mentioned to assist with Adrenal Fatigue along with ACE.

Best deals!!!

I found this cheapest here Adrenal Cortex Bovine (aka ACE).

Once you go through all this, you will probably feel like-minded to avoid metal exposure from recommended vaccines… including Flu Shots – here’s another valuable resource.

Recovery Stories?

Want to follow our progress?

This post changes often as I found more information, I update the related post.

Want to learn more, read about our Autism Diagnosis and Road to Recovery.

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Coconut Kefir Report – Jun – Sept 25, 2017 Post


Body Ecology
Purchase Here


If you are new to my blog, my youngest has Down Syndrome and when I asked, we were recently told by our PT/OT team that they did recognize some mild Autism with our 6.5 year old son. This is why we decided to try Coconut Kefir called Coco-Biotics – Learn more about it here. I scheduled an appointment with the Developmental Behavioral Pediatrician in Asheville for Late Aug for an evaluation. But I’m not stopping there, I plan to fight this as we will begin Chelating in the next few weeks.

Our Order Experience-

June 24 we ordered the Coconut Kefir premixed bottles called Coco-Biotics. Our order shipped Jun 26 by FedEx and arrived Jun 28. With a $50 minimum order it shipped free.

This post is intended to be ongoing until we begin the Chelation Protocol. Then I will start a new post to document his progress. Be sure to like my page and follow to keep up.

I didn’t want to read anything into the product, and I weighed coincidence, but after seeing multiple areas of increasing gains, I am convinced this is no coincidence! I recommend taking this product with a 1/6 of dose of Turmeric (see what brand I use) to really reduce any possible inflammation!

Jun 29-

3x/day 1oz We started the morning after this arrived, cause I didn’t want to do anything that would change digestion and unsettle sleep during the night. We started 3 of us on an ounce just before meal time, resulting in 3 times per day. My boys weren’t loving it, but it was mild enough they would drink it with a little coaxing. Due to delayed speech, I have him drink everything through coffee straws and he tends to drink meds or supplements easily. When he drinks it and I celebrate every drink of the Coco-biotics like it’s a huge deal and he has been more eager to keep drinking!

Jun 30-

3x/day 1oz  I am not measuring so sometimes I might be guilty of adding a little more than an ounce. But we are already seeing some great results. He has started paying attention to where we are when driving and pointing out things, he’s never paid attention to that I have showed him during our routine drives. This may seem like nothing but his tendency during car rides consists of alot of stemming and dangling of his favorite toy with long legs. He had his last session of ESY-Speech this morning and it was mentioned he was more quiet than he had been being in the past 3 visits, but I had also tried a pressure vest this particular day and that may have been why. But on the way home he pointed out the same places he had on the way there. He also said muuum in the car several times to get my attention to look at something. So already I’m seeing an improvement in his attempts of speech! Bedtime was the most noticable, he loves books and wanted to look at the book and vocalized for each of the animals or pictures on the pages.

Jul 1-

3x/day 1oz We still got speech during driving today. My oldest had a baseball game today and normally during baseball games he wants his toy and the iphone. But today after watching the iphone for a few mins he gave it back to me and started leaning in to watch the game down the chain link fence.

He was imitating his big brother today, following him marching around the house doing everything and touching everything in the house just like him.

Another thing that was key for today was after my oldest’s game the team was going to a Trampoline place. It was our first time, and due to previous encounters at bounce houses I almost opted not to take him. But we all went. He did amazing. He did stem some, but nothing like normal. We jumped an hour and a half almost straight (stopping for some water once). He actually enjoyed it!!!! He was trying to jump by himself and climbing and saying jump-jump as he was jumping. It was a great experience to actually get to enjoy a place like that with him. Praise the Lord that we have found things that are working for our son, not against him.

Jul 2-

3x/day 1oz Today I really want to report my personal improvement. I take a daily supplement of Turmeric and between this and the Coco-biotics I must tell you that I woke up barely sore!!! I haven’t exercised all spring and a year ago I could never have jumped, much less jumped that long without paying for it! But I felt a touch stiff when I first got up and the rest of my day has been feeling great. My husband (who is not taking the kefir or Turmeric) has been complaining of soreness all day.

He didn’t go to church with me this morning cause his brother had a hurt knee, so they stayed home with dad while I taught Sunday School. During the morning, this is the first time his routine wasn’t to get right up and go get his iPad. He spent the whole morning without it once. He never sits at the table without it, he will always make a special trip to get it and come back to the table. Today he sat a whole meal at the table without a device. The best part was when I got home he came running up to me and hugged me.

For a while, I have been trying to teach him to pucker and kiss instead of licking for a while now and while some days he could do it, some days he just couldn’t. But I will tell him in a deep voice “I want a kiss” and he comes over to me and put his lips on my cheek. So I celebrated it and he kept doing it. It’s the first time he’s been consistent and got it right so many times in a row and he did it for about 10 mins. Then about an hour later I told him “I want a kiss” and he came running over to me and repeated it another 4-5 mins.

We have seen tons of talking and imitation today. We had a cupcake party for my oldest for his birthday and honestly it was amazing to see my lil guy imitating his uncle in sound and gesture. He is very vocal and is saying his muuuum! to get my attention more.

He just sat through another meal without a device. But he did finally go get it after eating and sat and vocalized along with songs about animals and their sounds on YouTube. Right now is is trying to sing along with a Barney episode. He is getting a little more resistant to drinking it, but can still be cheered on with success.

Jul 3-

3x/day 1oz Still seeing progress and continual chattering.

Jul 4-

2x/day 1oz Today we did our normal morning dose and the dose at lunch. But a few spots brokeout around Rye’s mouth. I suspect I know it was a reaction to something else (probably a reaction to someone’s perfume), but to be sure we went off the cocobiotics for a period till this cleared up to be sure.

Body Ecology

I don’t remember the exact day we restarted the cocobiotics because I forgot to journal it. I have noticed some changes. Recently before starting them Rye had a growth spurt and seemed to be coming out of grinding. Since we have started this, and it may be coincidence his grinding has become excessive and he has started spinning in the floor alot. We are also doing a family parasite cleanse with the Full Moon Cycle and that could be related.

Jul 12-

I hand over hand helped Rye make his own PB&J. Upon completion without prompting he picked up his sandwich corner and started eating as I had stepped away to wash my hands. That is pretty amazing considering I have to make him pickup and hold each individual bite. But he ate about 1/2 of the sandwich on his own

Jul 16-

Yesterday, I learned that during a parasite cleanse not to do probiotics within 4 hours so we did the 3 doses but I’m changing him to one larger dose mid-day until our parasite cleanse ends.

So here are some of the obvious improvements we have noticed. Every morning when Rye wakes (for past few months after getting him on a good probiotic) he has a mutter that indicates “mu”, calling for me when he is awake and ready for me to come after him. This morning he got up, put on his glasses laying nearby and climbed in his rocking chair with a book without uttering a sound.

Another thing is Rye rarely asks to go outside, yesterday he ask to go outside and swim. Today he asked to go outside to play. He played with trucks, a soccer ball, pushed a pretend lawnmower for about 8 mins without typical frustration, threw a small ball to his brother and ran around with badmitten rackets. Typically a 10 min visit outside and he’s standing at the door  making noise indicating he wants to go back in. These may seem like nothing to most moms, but this mom sees the continuing hope of gradual improvement.

Jul 20-

2-3oz/day at lunch time in OJ. Rye has never been a typical little boy in how they always want to climb and do dangerous stuff. Tonight at the end of the day, he decided to step upon the Corner Pad we had up to his Toddler Bed and scaled the side of the bed rail and went from rail to post in the area where no rail is. That is the first time I have ever seen him confident enough to try and not want a supporting hand.

Jul 27

During our camping trip this week, I was pleased to compare it to the previous camping trip early summer. This time Rye still wanted to spend a majority of time inside but this time he stayed outside more than normal. He sat and played in the sandbox, pushed dump trucks around, popped bubbles. But the biggest thing to report is he walked around the whole campground area in his barn boots to splash in muddy puddles after a day filled with rain. That’s big for him cause he will usually walk about 50′ and then wants to be picked up. So this pleased my heart!!!!

Aug 1

We went out to eat and the funny point of the night was Rye was so attentive to everyone that walked by, but the waiter came up and took the bowl of chips for a refill and his reaction was priceless. He got upset and gave a look to that waiter like he was offended.

Aug 2

Combined with the progress made on cocobiotics, we saw a huge increase in verbalization after returning to horse therapy for this week’s session. But even before we arrived, Rye went in and JR said greeted him with a hi and Riley said Hey! He still stopped quirkly at the door way like he has been doing for a few sessions. But he verbalized bye and gave an appropriate wave to everyone. I know these sound like simple things, but to me, it’s more like simple progress. And for each of these moments. I’m thankful God has led us in this direction. He even said a full sentence almost clearly on the way home, but neither of us could remember what it was, it was just speaking above his level, I just wish I could remember it.

Aug 4

We have noticed Rye has started becoming increasingly more independent on things, like holding his fork, wanting to brush his own teeth when I finish, holding his sandwich for more than one bite. Yesterday and today, Rye started randomly cleaning up his table spot without prompt, after his meals! But tonight he held a fork in his hand for 90% of his meal, where normally he would take a bite and lay it down immediately. The past few days I notice he is starting to finish the sounds of familiar sections of songs when we are in the car.

Aug 7

His independence is increasing steadily. I take a daily supplement of Fermented Turmeric and Vitamin D and about a week ago, I started dividing up some of those capsules and giving them along with the cocobiotics to Rye as I took mine. I mention that cause I don’t want to leave anything out. I read that the benefits of Turmeric can be increased by 2000% by adding in pepper, but that fermentation was also another way to boost the benefits of Turmeric.

So there is a playground at the lower end of my dad’s property connecting to ours. It’s probably 100 yards away. Usually Rye will walk down, but rarely has he ever come up the grade of the hill without asking to be carried about half way. Except yesterday, after a few hours of playing around the playground, he actually refused multiple times of me offering to carry him. He walked a fast pace all the way up.

Today, I started adding the 4 core supplements (Vitamin C, Magnesium, Zinc & vitamin E) and a few of the additional (Rhodiola & Gabba) that we will be using during our Chelation Process and I’m speechless at the increase in his energy level, alertness, speech and new daring antics. He’s acting more like a typical little boy! Over the past 2-3 days I have caught him trying to draw with pencils and it seems he is showing a dominance to his left hand. This is also showing up during his meal time and teeth brushing. He has been holding his own sandwiches (mostly left-handed) without much prompting and feeding himself. He will come to me and pat me, walks to the fridge and gets out a baked egg for me to crack open. He will then walk around and eat on it or takes it to the table.

An alarm was just going off on my phone and Rye just went to my phone and brought it to me. He’s noticing things he has never noticed before. During teeth brushing tonight he wanted to do it himself, afterwards he went over to his brother’s side of the sink and started looking at all his tooth brushes and tooth paste selection. He’s never noticed his brother’s stuff before. It’s so exciting to the Rye as God designed him to be, shining out!

Aug 8

I mentioned we begin some of our new supplements prior to starting our upcoming chelation yesterday. I have sat here for the last hour watching my boys play together, yes I said play! My heart is melting with delight and Praises to God. While I was doing school with Big Brother, I heard Rye singing along with his name song video I made on his YouTube list. Big brother has really stepped up this evening because he is as delighted as me. He told his little brother you are doing amazing today! The first 30 or so minutes consisted of a mimic game. Rye was trying to snap, said Bible, sang B-I-B-L-E, did animal signs, he was dancing, mimicking sounds from Books of Bible song. He’s crawled under the table, had sword fights with light sabers and he does well. They have been playing spies for at least the past 30 mins, he even was trying to sneak by me to see if I saw him. Oh, the blessings unfolding before our eyes!

Aug 17, it’s been a few days since I last updated. We are still seeing progress steady. Some things I noticed is that Rye looks at us more often when we say his name, which did not happen. He started playing a game with his brother the other day while I was cooking, his brother asked me to come help cause Rye wouldn’t stop bringing him stuff. We come to decide that he was playing grocery store. He was bring everything over as fast as he could like checking out at a store. He was working up a sweat. For the past 1.5 month we have been letting him help put groceries on the conveyer like big bro.

He’s also continuing to vocalize and said some sentences like, “I did it!” clearly. 2 days ago he sat down and matched his name puzzle we have been working on for months. He matched 24 of the 26 letters cause I was missing 2. He only got stumped On the R which was the same color as the B and in uppercase they start the same in Uppercase. He has also had 4 successful mornings of using the potty first thing. He’s more interested and compliant with using the potty along with hand over hand writing. He’s also following dierections well and watching me from across the room to see my reactions when he tests the typical liltle boy standard of risk when he stands on the couch.

Today, we also started on ACE (Adrenal Cortex Extract) a supplement in our protocol for our upcoming detox. As of now Rye has still been stimming a lot and the teeth grinding is excessive.

Aug 20-

After continuing with the cocobiotics, the 4 Core Supplements and adding ACE and Sunflower Leicten, Rhidiola, Grapefruit extract im still amazed at what we are seeing.

We just returned from a camping weekend. The first of many, Rye asked to go outside.

It might have been coincidence, the day we started ACE, just a morning dose he didn’t sleep well all night and a bit better but still not good the next night. But day 2 did 2 doses, day 3 did 3 doses.

Today at church, he was much more involved, stayed in his seat longest of any time, barely grinding teeth. Drinking from a standard cup well. He noticed the door didn’t get shut and went over and closed it completely.

He seated himself for supper and fed himself a whole hamburger. After supper he asked for crackers, and when he noticed he’d made a mess, he went and got a broom and dustpan and brought it over.

Tonight he ask for and wanted to pretend play with his potty Elmo, which he hasn’t ever been interested in.

Aug 26

We took a few days off from the Coco-Biotics. Rye has had a rash that has travelled around the collar of his shirt since we started it. Coincidentally, the heat has been an issue and he got a new Under Armor shirt about this same time. It would seem that every time he wears the shirt, the rash that would be fading intensifies. I wanted to rule out any die-off from the coco-biotics. He wore the shirt yesterday after a period without them and the rash intensified again. Guess that gives me the answer I am looking for. So today we are back on the coco-biotics.

Aug 30

We had our Asheville Visit today! read about that here: Autism Diagnosis and Road to Recovery. I noticed the grinding was intense the few days we were off the coco-biotics (despite the adrenal support we started after the coco-biotics), I didn’t make the connection until I updated and realized the change. After being back on the coco-biotic routine we are back to much less grinding. Praise the Lord!

Sept 25

3x/day 1.5oz I haven’t updated in a while, our gains have been continual and gradual but not always different than things I have already mentioned. I notice more gains, new conquests when I increase the amount. So 3x day, just over an ounce is what we are doing (I don’t measure I just estimate). You can use milk thistle to lighten the load on the liver if any die-off occurs.

  • less cravings between meals, rarely asks for his favorite Enjoy Life cookies
  • enjoys being outside
  • is doing more pretend play
  • exploring more than just toys
  • noticing details, recognizing places as we drive and vocalizing
  • Less Night Wakings – He is sleeping better and calling for me during this wakes during in the night, ma-maaaa instead of just crying or getting out of the bed
  • his potty training is going so much better, he is quicker to go potty in the mornings
  • his vocalization is wonderful, he attempts to say many things
  • more regularly noticing that he leaves a mess to clean up. will take his stuff to the trash without prompt and has even gotten a broom and dustpan and brought to a mess of crumbs he left in the floor
  • he’s attempting imitation regularly now, especially following his brother closely.
  • he’s engaging with kids around him better, tapping them to get their attention
  • he wants to share things with me, he gets my attention ma-maaaa and taps me to show me things, get me to notice and praise his attempts and vocalizes while signing to ask for help
  • grinding can still peak intensely, but I am noticing longer periods without grinding
  • coincidence maybe, but with the delay in tooth loss (only 2) it is notable that he is starting to get a loose incisor.

The best report I think I can share today is the gains we have made in our Sunday School. Being homeschool family we don’t have to be so formal. But in my Sunday School class this week, I saw evidence that he has settled down and is stemming less. He is able to ask for my attention when he wants more snack. He imitates sounds when I have the class repeat something I want them to remember. He will try to sing familiar songs. He is also beginning to show interest to color when the other kids raise their hands to respond to questions, are coloring and doing activities. When I ask him to take his seat, he is doing that more just from the verbal ques. This is one happy momma!!! Giving praise to God that he led me to this and it has gave my son much awaited and unexpected gains!

We also found a resource that helped with Apraxia and helped improve Rye’s use of speech.

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How to Buy

Body Ecology
Buy Coconut Kefir Cocobiotics for your loved one!

Buy Coconut Kefir Cocobiotic by Body Ecology, want to add the Turmeric and Vitamin D.

How to make Coconut Kefir. From Young Tai Coconuts and Kefir Syarter. I found these at our local EARTHFARE for $4 something each.

Want to learn more, read about our story – Autism Diagnosis and Road to Recovery.

Stay Tuned for our Next Step with Autism – Fight Autism and Win

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Coconut Kefir

Body Ecology

Kefir means “feel good” in Turkish.

Don’t we all want to feel good?

So why am I getting Body Ecology CocoBiotics” Coconut Kefir for my family? Simple, Because it’s made a difference!

I have been studying how to chelate heavy metals out of my vaccinated boys, since I feel that it has led to a stronger delay in my son with Down Syndrome. I have suffered from Heavy Metal exposure myself and been through a removal process. I also joined a Chelating Group a while back to help remove this for them safely. I stumbled upon this valuable Documentary – Trace Amounts, where I learned so much about when they put metals like Mercury (1931) in vaccines and how it is covered up the relation with the sudden rise of Autism. It’s a great video I recommend watching (they did their homework), whether you are pro vaccine, anti vaccine or somewhere riding the fence, please just make sure you are informed, not programmed. Be sure to follow our progress and testimony on CocoBiotics.


  • The probiotics in fermented foods are alive and they are more likely to survive the perils of the digestive tract.
  • Hydrate and Cleanse
  • Full of Minerals
  • Healthy Electrolytes
  • Super Alkaline
  • helps control yeast overgrowth
  • helps with leaky gut and digestive health
  • affects Endocrine System
  • tonifies intestines and flatten tummy some
  • feed endocrine system, to keep hormones in order
  • known to benefit the liver
  • excellent for digestion
  • kills sugar cravings – the bacteria of the starter feeds off the naturally occurring sugar in the coconut water. (It eats up the sugar in your body.)

    Body Ecology
    Click Here to Buy!

This video offers options to buy Coconut Water that works (Non-Pasteurized; if it is, it cant be fermented). Don’t use boxed or canned coconut water.

Getting started drinking:

Our shipment arrived yesterday. We ordered the premixed Cocobiotic fermented water to get started and try it out simple. Shipping was fast, free over $50. The bottle said to chill before drinking and mentions specifically on the cap to open slowly. It does have a fizz to it. If you have ever drank Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV), I would compare it to that. It is tart, but less tart than ACV.  Start with a small amount at a time because you can get a die-off response in your body (don’t be scared of that). Recommended start with 2-3 ounces with every meal, maybe right before bed. Since my boys are small I started them and myself off with about an ounce to work up through the day. It says on the website you can work your way up to drinking a quart a day.

I add this to my son’s orange juice to camouflage the taste and he doesn’t pay any attention.

Read our progress in our personal testimony!!!

$$$How to Buy and Save$$$

Buy Body Ecology Probiotic Beverages

I like to stretch my money, the cost of these products can be discounted in 2 ways. If you buy 3 or more you get a price break and an additional 5% can be discounted, if you opt to do a subscription of 30, 60 or 90 days. The subscription can be skipped or cancelled (to edit or discard) at any time. It also allows to get more immediately, if you run out before you time is up and you still keep the additional 5% discount when you select this option.

There is also a rewards program for returning customers. HOW TO EARN POINTS: Points will be added to your reward balance immediately upon purchase. Every time you make a purchase you will earn points based on the amount of your purchase.

  • For every $1.00 spent, you will earn 10 Points.

They even offer the Kefir Starter so you can make your own and save.

Make Coconut Kefir

-From Young Tai Coconuts-

Julia Berle’s Recipe -DIY

Supplies you need for making your own:

  • Body Ecology KEFIR STARTER, not to be confused with the Culture Starter. This contains 6 packets. Each packet makes a batch and a portion of each batch can be added to new coconut water to make up to 7 batches.
  • Coconut water from Young Tai Coconuts (about 5) or Coconut Water (non-pasteurized/raw) They have these coconuts at our local EarthFare!!!
  • use strainer to remove coconut bits
  • funnel
  • pot, stove
  • thermometer or pinky test (Heat coconut water to 92 degrees- wakes the bacteria, IF hotter than 92 degrees coconut water kills the bacteria and will not ferment, just becomes rotten coconut water. Pinky test if you don’t have a thermometer.)
  • wooden spoon
  • jars to contain roughly 1qt and a 16 oz used in this demonstration video

1st start keep fresh made stored (3 days) at 72-25 degrees to avoid the bacteria going to sleep or dormant. This DIY link mentions 3 week shelf life when refrigerated after the 3 days at room temp for fermenting.

I did this and followed the directions. My Kefir was left out 3 days, but I failed to try it before refrigerating it. So it could have used more fermenting time. The thermometer I placed with it reflected perfect room temperature. I called the manufacturer and the rep said she had made that same mistake of not testing before refrigerating.


Refrigerate after fermenting!

Learn more about correlation of benefits when using with Autism or AutoImmune Disorders!

There is more information I want to gather about storage. I know that the bottles they send are good once opened for 7 days.

Autism – Reversed Diagnosis

Check out these Autism Recovery Stories

Case 1- Julia Berle – Read Their Story about recovering Baxter

Case 2- Jennifer Boddie Read Their Story

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Our Story –Autism Diagnosis and Road to Recovery.

Safe Effective Chelating for Heavy Metals Like Mercury

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