Diatomaceous Earth

This is the first brand I used in my SOZO detox. This is a 1.5 lb bag. They also have in 9oz container.

I first learned of Diatomaceous Earth (DE) a few years ago during a Detox that included a parasite cleanse. DE comes in multiple colors and grades. It can be white or brownish-gray. It is seperated by grades: food, feed and pool grade. When used it can produce die-off from killing off things like Candida or Parasites if those culprits affect you or your pets, I would think this side effect can also be evident in use with pets. there are ways to work around the die-off to ease symptoms. USE CAUTION TO PREVENT DUST INHALATION!

For example, the difference between white DE and brown (or brownish-grey) DE (such as Red Lake Diatomaceous Earth) is that darker colored diatomaceous earth contains calcium montmorillonite (also known as calcium bentonite), a clay that occurs naturally in the deposit. White DE, on the other hand, contains only diatomaceous earth, along with other trace amounts of additional elements. -http://www.absorbentproductsltd.com 

To be considered Food Grade, the diatomaceous earth must not contain more than 10mg/kg of arsenic and no more than 10mg/kg of lead. Food Chemical Codex Grade (Food Grade) DE products contain less than 1% crystalline silica and can be used in animal feed and for insect control. Food Grade diatomaceous earth, such as Red Lake Earth, unlike pool grade DE, is safe to be used around humans and animals. -http://www.absorbentproductsltd.com

This article really digs down deep into how DE goes above more than just parasite cleansing. It helps with ridding of bedbugs, ants and other crawling insects, heavy metal toxicity (which is another thing I have been doing) all the way to Lupus…

Detox Your Body
Diatomaceous Earth health benefits reported to inlude detox! According to Kaayla T. Daniel, PhD, CCN and Galen D. Knight, PhD in their article “Mad as a Hatter” there is no better product to detox HEAVY METALS and RADIATION from your body than with Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth!

Candida is a type of yeast infection that can exist for several years in the body. It is extremely difficult to clear out of your system, even with prescription medication and antibiotics. According to the Candida Yeast Infection Relief website, Candida may be effectively eradicated by taking a daily freshwater diatomaceous earth supplement. Diatomaceous earth destroys the Candida yeast infection by pulling it apart and killing the Candida organisms that reside in the gastrointestinal system. In addition to being able to get rid of Candida yeast infections, diatomaceous earth is also known for its ability to attract and bind to the toxins that are caused by Candida yeast so the body can safely eliminate them through stool and urine. -www.diatomaceousearthfoodgrade.com 

For you Amazon Prime lovers, this is your link.

Both the Food grade DE and the Red Lake Earth Diatomaceous Red Lake Earth with Calcium Bentonite, are available at your local Tractor Supply

This dispenses the DE for insect treatment.

100% diatomaceous earth kills insects by ingestion and/or dehydration within 48 hours. Works indoors and outdoors when kept dry. Treat for Earwigs, Millipedes, Centipedes, Silverfish, Cockroaches, Crickets, ants, fleas, carpet beetles, bed bugs, grasshoppers- Tractor Supply Product Description for safer-brand-diatomaceous-earth


Additional Resources:



Organic Pest Control Aside from spiders, Diatomaceous earth is also a safe and effective way to kill silverfish, cockroaches, ants and fleas both inside and outside of your home. Aside from spiders, diatomaceous earth is also a safe and effective way to kill silverfish, cockroaches, ants and fleas both inside and outside of your home. -Quoted from site linked.

Parasite Cleanse Time 3-4 days before Next Full Moon phase

Some Symptoms of Parasites

  1. constipation, diarrhea, gas, or bloating
  2. traveler’s diarrhea while traveling abroad
  3. food poisoning and your digestion has not been the same since
  4. trouble falling asleep, or you wake up multiple times during the night
  5. skin irritations, rashes, hives, rosacea, or eczema
  6. grinding your teeth at night
  7. pain or aching in your muscles or joints.
  8. fatigue, exhaustion, depression, or feelings of apathy.
  9. not feeling satisfied or full after meals
  10. anemia (iron deficiency)
  11. occasionally feel something like wiggling or twitching or stunning in certain parts of your body
  12. body itches in various places such as ears, anus, or skin

How Do I Get Parasites?

Pets, undercooked meat, raw fish, traveling and consuming contaminated water or food can give you parasites. It’s best not to let pets sleep on your bed or lick you in the face. This one my mom always shared with kids, walking barefoot can allow parasites to enter your feet. My guess is that if you are a fellow flip flop/sandal wearer, that probably applies to you too. Food handlers (who don’t wash their hands) can pass on parasites in food preparation.

I would know if I had parasites right?

I didn’t know or suspect parasites until I did a Scan. Parasites can easily go undetected because they bury themselves in the walls of organs and lining of the intestines trying to guarantee their survival.

When should I do a parasite cleanse?

Parasite cleansing is recommended during a Full Moon phase, because the several days before and on the New Moon parasites detach from the walls of the organs and lining of the intestines to breed and to lay eggs. This makes the Full Moon phase the easiest time to get to rid them.

2017 start just a few days before Sept 6, Oct 5, Nov 4 and Dec 3.

2018 start just a few days before Jan 1 and Jan 31… more in 2018

Natural parasite cleanse programs should last 7 to 14 days (or longer, if you suspect a lot of them) to allow the parasites to complete the breeding cycle and the new eggs to hatch and die off.

Possible Side Effects

It’s not uncommon to have some die-off symptoms during this time. The die-off symptoms are a result from the toxins released as the parasites die, one last attempt they make at trying to live. These symptoms can imitate the flu, but typically show up as a rash. For more die-off information check this site. Here is a nice reference as well. This is basically the overload of toxins on your liver and kidneys. Not to be scared, just stick to the plan and supplement with some Milk Thistle and drink plenty of water. My first cleanse also included a candida cleanse along with a fungal cleanse and the die-off was a raised and itchy rash on my arms, mid section and top of my legs. I took larger doses of vitamin c (an antioxidant) as well as cut back on the cleanses until my body had a chance to catch up.

Parasite Cleanses We’ve Used

Don’t let cleanse scare you, this will not run you to the restroom more. Other than remembering to take the supplements by the recommended dosages that’s about all you have to worry about. I recommend a  parasite cleanse that you are comfortable with, but if you are like me and not sure where to begin this was the Parasite Cleanse I did with Sozo Life and Wellness. It was customized for my Scan results. ARG – Artimisinin (2 slowly increasing to 3 capsules-immediately before breakfast and supper), Mix in 1/4 cup of water: Enula (30 drops) and Crypto Plus (20 drops) – taking mixture immediately before breakfast and supper. I also took a few samples of Diatomaceous Earth (1tsp with the water mixture above).

Para Cleanse (10 day)

My husband used this Nature’s Sunshine para-cleanse-10-day. I have read that some boxed Parasite cleanses are less effective cause they use lower doses of the supplements. This is a brand I trust for if you prefer a boxed-deal. It recommends doing these twice with the moon cycles.

Final Thoughts

I value a quality probiotic along with and after any cleanse!!! Also it’s good to do a followup cleanse to make sure that any egg larve don’t remain. I have seen mention that some people do parasite cleanses annually.

I have read some information and studies that the toxins the parasites produce can have a neurological effect on it’s host. For more information on Parasites taking control over their hosts, read about this one in Number 3. “When night approaches, the flukes take control. They make the ant climb up a blade of grass and hold tight, waiting to be eaten by a grazing animal. If the ant is still alive at dawn, the flukes release their control and the ant goes about its day like normal (if the ant baked in the sun, the parasite would die, too). At night the flukes take over again and the cycle repeats until the ant becomes cattle food.” Quoted from Joseph Bennington-Castro.

Do you think there could be more to the Full Moon comment after reading this, makes you think!


Did you know??? Mosquitos can share more than a bite?

Mosquitoes can carry certain diseases, such as West Nile virus, malaria, yellow fever and dengue fever. The mosquito obtains a virus or parasite by biting an infected person or animal. Then, when biting you, the mosquito can transfer that virus or parasite to you through its saliva. West Nile and encephalitis viruses are found in the United States. Dengue fever has been reported in several southern states and Hawaii. Other diseases, such as malaria and yellow fever, are far more common in tropical areas of the world. https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/mosquito-bites/symptoms-causes/syc-20375310?_escaped_fragment_=&p=1

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