Ditch the Microwave with a Hot Logic Hit

I like to find ways to keep life simple but still healthy! You are going to love this review. We ditched the microwave at our home about a year ago. But my husband is still left with only one choice to reheat his food at work. So I have found the Hot Logic Mini. An affordable alternative, like a crockpot for the office. 


  • Enjoy a delicious meal wherever your day takes you with an electrical outlet
  • Use flat-bottomed, sealed-top containers-metal, plastic, glass, cardboard, ceramic food containers
  • Can accommodate food containers up to 8.75″W x 6.75″L x 2.5″H
  • Insulated tote with aluminum lining to maximize heat retention
  • Patent Pending
  • Enjoy a delicious meal wherever your day takes you
  • Use flat-bottomed, sealed-top containers-metal, plastic, glass, cardboard, ceramic food containers 
  • Can accommodate food containers up to 8.75″W x 6.75″L x 2.5″H

The instructions show that this can cook raw meat to 165 degrees in a matter of 2 hours. Just check the temp to make sure it has reached the recommended temp. You can even cook your frozen meals!



When I cook supper, I usually make extra or cook 2 meals at a time, so that my husband has a cooked meal for the next day’s lunch. When I cook 2 meals, that allows him to have 2 days worth of lunches. These containers will be great to pre-prep his lunches and contain just the right size for the HLM to reheat lunches.

Update: Hot Logic Passed the Husband Test!!! My husband loved his HotLogic Reheated meal. In about 2 hours plugged in at his desk his Taco Bake was perfect, not to hot or overdone, just right!

We have decided to get a family size 9×13 HotLogic to use for those potluck occasions when a crock pot just isn’t the right fit for the meal. I also plan to use it so that I can have a meal precooked and plug it in during church hours and come home to a “fast food” meal that is fast, healthy and waiting.


<a href=”https://www.amazon.com/Bayco-Containers-2-7cups-Airtight-Approved/dp/B07KZN3FZ3/ref=as_li_ss_il?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=B07KZN3FZ3&pd_rd_r=ad47fc86-2d40-4ec2-a26e-44ec41eae280&pd_rd_w=rtD0M&pd_rd_wg=7Hhdy&pf_rd_p=1a6c04dc-f072-4c2d-b58e-1140702f58d0&pf_rd_r=W9DJ6GF7PDZ1KFBHW5HR&psc=1&refRID=W9DJ6GF7PDZ1KFBHW5HR&linkCode=li2&tag=2thri-20&linkId=2d78a9d623dacb25f765ab97890ce216&language=en_US&#8221; target=”_blank”><img border=”0″ src=”//ws-na.amazon-adsystem.com/widgets/q?_encoding=UTF8&ASIN=B07KZN3FZ3&Format=_SL160_&ID=AsinImage&MarketPlace=US&ServiceVersion=20070822&WS=1&tag=2thri-20&language=en_US” ></a><img src=”https://ir-na.amazon-adsystem.com/e/ir?t=2thri-20&language=en_US&l=li2&o=1&a=B07KZN3FZ3&#8243; width=”1″ height=”1″ border=”0″ alt=”” style=”border:none !important; margin:0px !important;” />

Assistive Technology

I had heard of Proloquo2Go a few years back from our ARC rep when we were with TEIS. At the time she told me about it, it wasn’t something I felt like Rye could manage or myself at that time. Honestly, I just didn’t know enough about it.

We receive services like speech through the school IEP, as homeschoolers in TN.  I really love Riley’s speech teacher, she has been amazing blessing in our life. When I mentioned the program, she shared she had seen some having success with Proloquo2Go. I ask about it for Rye at the end of the school year, so part of our plan was to try it out with Rye this year. ASL is his primary means of communication with me (and mostly me), I thought it might be something we could attempt for Assisted Technology, especially since it was recommended highly from his evaluating MD at Olsen-Huff to provide him a secondary means of communication. 

This year when we resumed Speech, she started working with him on some of the first words. The second week he did ok reviewing, but nothing really stood out. The third week happened to fall on his birthday. She had a party theme for speech to get him initiate asking for what he wants. It clicked and went really well. By the end of the session, he was forming sentence structure for his requests. It wasn’t mastered but showed great inspiration of hope that he was ready and able to use this.

Sept 29, 2017 I found out today that it is approved for Rye and we will begin using that as a means of communication. And our IEP will now state Assistance technology required. Yippee!

Sept 30, 2017 Happy Mom Report: Our first weekend trying it out at home and after 3 lessons introducing PLQ2Go in speech, Rye typed these sentences consistent with his his signingrequests for a drink.

1st attempt

2nd attempt as fast as I could get the other request cleared. Then he touched it to hear playback!

The next step will be introducing concepts like opposites to expose what he understands.

Are Fish Oils making a difference with Apraxia?

(This is an ongoing post)

I get excited when I read things that people are doing and seeing great gains (like in this story), especially when it is related to a diagnosis that hits close to home. With Down Syndrome as a primary diagnosis, we have recently received a diagnosis for Autism and suspect Apraxia. I am excited to share that I ran across this information on Facebook from an Autism Group suggesting to help with apraxia and autism late talkers.

We used the children’s brand fish oils in the past at the recommended daily dosage and we did use that for years, I saw no gains that I can report. However, my Rye didn’t need glasses for a good period of time. This information is different because it recommends a higher dosage. We are all differently deficient, going by the suggested daily dosage may not be enough to cover the deficiency. So let’s give this a try!

I see opportunity to lessen my child’s struggle with an inexpensive investment. I’m willing to try anything natural and reasonable for my son. For those natural skeptics, I myself realize that some folks do write product reviews for are monetary benefits, that is why I choose to share my experience when we try something new. We have to seek to find, and my journey has led me to finding natural things that make a huge difference in not only my life but my son’s, so I know there can be something to it when determination and diligence is applied. This is why I am dedicated to sharing what we try and offering transparency to gains and regressions.


These are images above are the recommended products from the story I first bought, (recommended from the site linked above).

Update Since First Purchase: Best I can find the products above were discontinued When getting them from Amazon, they were still at the time available. Below are the products that mentioned what they replaced or held the most similar values. 2:1 Ratio

TAKE 2: Formerly Complete Omega-3.6.9â„¢. Complete Omegaâ„¢ is a non-concentrated formula that blends EPA and DHA from coldwater with GLA (omega-6) and oleic acid (omega-9) from borage oil. This omega-rich blend supports cardiovascular health, brain function, and positive mood, as well as healthy joints, hair, skin, and nails.*

Take 1: Replaced ProEPA™. EPA™ is an omega-rich formula derived from the component of fish oil that helps lower cardiovascular risk factors and maintain a general sense of calm.* Original research on EPA has also shown proven benefits for fat metabolism and healthy blood sugar levels.

Once they arrive, I will attempt the dosage they recommend and report any gains in this ongoing post! The gains we made from adding a cocobiotic routine that has been such a blessing for my son. I see so many gains, this may be the fuel we need to naturally accelerate his verbal ability!

Dosage of Fish Oil For Children

I do also plan to look into food sources.

Great foods for Eliminating Inflammation:

  • Avacado – Avocados contain omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, as well as 18 of the 22 amino acids used by people — including all eight essential amino acids. In fact, avocados contain more protein than an equal measure of cow’s milk, which makes them a high-quality protein food and an especially valuable addition to a vegetarian diet. Avocados are bursting with additional nutrients, including vitamins A, B-complex, C, E and K, plus magnesium, copper, iron, calcium, potassium and other trace elements.
  • Coconut Oil.

full disclaimer

These items arrived separately, the ProEFA first. So we started him on the EFA, just one pill. A few days passed and the ProEPA arrived. The first day he received both doses fell on a Wed. Oct 4, which happens to fall on the PT/OT day. It was commented that Rye was noticeably more talkative, without my mentioning. His OT commented he was doing really great, better than ever. It was definitely his best day, I agree! He was focused, more talkative and attentive to the tasks. I will also add, he also didn’t sleep good the night before and he wasn’t his normal yawning self after one of those disrupted nights. Oct 5, was a significant great day of Speech and had a lot of vocalizing accompanying some signing.

Oct 10, 2017 This is an example of the difference. I don’t give the Fish Oils at the same time as the Cocobiotics. This morning it became to hectic and I didn’t give the fish oils before going to Speech. He did significantly more signing and less vocalizing during speech, unlike last week. So I waited till this evening to give him the dose, by this time he was no longer as quite as he was earlier today, he actually started singing along with familiar songs.

10/28/2017 We have officially began Frequent Low Dose Chelation, but before that we saw a big increase in speech. Since beginning the chelation the increase is continuing steadily.

12/27/17 I prefer these first thing in the morning. We are still using these and have converted over to the liquid for our next purchase to keep from having to pin-pop the Soft Gels. We still notice increased vocalization attempts. If we forget a dose, which happens, we haven’t noticed a mention-able loss, however when we do a late dose we notice a corresponding gain.

We do a 2-1 Ratio of the these 2 Omegas:

Liquid version of ProEFA-3.6.9Liquid Alternative to Complete Omega

This omega-rich blend supports cardiovascular health, brain function, and positive mood, as well as healthy joints, hair, skin, and nails.*

Liquid version of ProEPA+ 1000iu VitD

Comparable Liquid Alternative to EPA

Helps lower cardiovascular risk factors and maintain a general sense of calm.* Original research on EPA has also shown proven benefits for fat metabolism and healthy blood sugar levels.

Formerly Complete Omega-3.6.9â„¢. Complete Omegaâ„¢ is a non-concentrated formula that blends EPA and DHA from coldwater with GLA (omega-6) and oleic acid (omega-9) from borage oil. This omega-rich blend supports cardiovascular health, brain function, and positive mood, as well as healthy joints, hair, skin, and nails.*

Replaced ProEPA™. EPA™ is an omega-rich formula derived from the component of fish oil that helps lower cardiovascular risk factors and maintain a general sense of calm.* Original research on EPA has also shown proven benefits for fat metabolism and healthy blood sugar levels.

Chelation and Fish Oils

The FAW and ACC protocol of chelation recommends 1-3 tbsp per day. It suggests improvements in focus, brain function, reducing inflammation, regulate immune, regulate blood clotting, skin problems, dyspraxia and protects the nervous system. Food Sources it recommends are FLAX, fish oils and coconut oil.

Full Disclaimers

Magic School Bus is back on Netflix!

We use some shows to compliment what we are learning in our home education.

My kids enjoy Magic School Bus from the 1990’s. Magic School Bus Episode List

In First Grade, we even did a science curriculum based on MSB, watching specific episodes a few days a week on Netflix to cover certain topics like Sound. The one we did had activities that went with the selected episode. I’m happy to see Netflix is revamping some of the older programs we really come to appreciate as a home-ed family.

We have also used Wild Krats, ZooBoomafu

Selenium: What can it do for you?

This is the brand I use.

Selenium (Se)

Selenium is a valuable trace element for life known to protect DNA. It is an antioxidant, (anti-aging by slowing and preventing cell damage) that is beneficial for certain enzymes that mercury uses up. It has an antioxidative effect decreasing free radical formation reducing the hydrogen peroxide lipid and phospholipid hydroperoxides. It also fights inflammation and is a more potent antioxidant than vitamins A, C, or E. Another of it’s great benefits is the anti-viral effect, it promotes heart health, assists with Asthma and normalizes cholesterol. It’s even listed to have certain anti-cancer abilities.

Dr. Axe states “Selenium acts like a little mechanic within the body. It goes into the nucleus of cell where the DNA and genome are stored and finds damage. It attaches to protective antioxidants like glutathione and then works to reduce and repair damage done to DNA, which left uncontrolled could lead to cancerous cell mutation and tumor growth.” This link shows additional information about Natural Sources and Selenium content.

Selenium and the Thyroid

The thyroid gland produces hormones that controls numerous everyday body functions including appetite, sleep, temperature, weight, energy, and more.. Selenium helps the thyroid produce hormones. It supports thyroid function, by helping to convert T4 thyroid meds to T3. It’s said that it has a long history of warming cold hands. “Selenium works in tandem with iodine, another nutrient better known for its role in thyroid health.”

Selenium and Mercury

Selenium supports Mercury secretion. It binds to mercury and passivates it. Mercury consumes selenium, so you may need extra when you have mercury in your system.

Getting Selenium Naturally

Natural sources, like fruits and vegetables, are the best way to incorporate selenium into your diet. Brazil nuts, Turkey, Tuna, Sunflower Seeds, pork, chicken, eggs, salmon and mushrooms.

What kind of Selenium can I supplement with?

When taking Selenium it’s recommended to avoid those products made from yeast, Selenomethionine is the preferred form for the protocol I follow.


200-300mcg per day is mentioned in several places and the protocol I follow. For children 1-2mcg per pound is recommended in the protocol I follow to be divided into 3 doses over the day. See manufacturer details for your specific product. I have read it’s not recommended to exceed 400 mcg per day as it could have adverse reactions. I would recommended to check with your practitioner about checking your selenium levels.

The recommended daily allowance for selenium depends on your age and is as follows, according to the USDA:

  • Children 1-3: 20 micrograms/day
  • Children 4-8: 30 micrograms/day
  • Children 9-13: 40 micrograms/day
  • Adults and children 14 and up: 55 micrograms/day
  • Pregnant women: 60 micrograms/day
  • Breastfeeding women: 70 micrograms/day


Selenium Benefits

Selenium Benefits for your Thyroid

Full Disclaimers

NO more laces! Let me tell you about Zubits – My Product Review

Order Your Zubits!


 The first time I saw ZUBITS, one of the therapists where Rye goes told us about them. This is a handy little shoe fastening system is available for adults or children alike despite abilities. They are great for kids with special needs that are unable to tie shoes. It empowers them to be independent getting their shoes on despite abilities.

I’m sure that anyone with arthritis or back trouble can benefit from these because they are so easy! They are also perfect for someone that may have limitations like paralysis. Getting shoes off is super easy and handsfree.

Check out the tips below!

Two Handed, so you don’t pinch fingers.


One-Handed Tip
Pull Tab

I ordered a pair for Rye, his big brother and myself. They are easy to put in, with full instructions and little savers for cutting off the extra shoe strings. Let me also mention the strength of the magnets amazed me. You can run in these shoes and the magnets stay put. The only way to separate the magnets is to twist and separate, it really surprised me, the skeptic!

Big brother has been able to tie shoes since he was 4, but he’s a lefty and his tying is kinda backward and it causes his laces to be loose and come untied constantly. So he was eager to put these on his shoes.

My First Crock Pot Bone Broth

​Until now, I had been using a Bone Broth Powder, I’ve been very satisfied with it but it gets expensive.

Inspired by the video below, I made my first bone broth. I’m so excited to share it was pretty much as easy as it looked.


Prep Bone Broth in 1 Min – Crock Pot It!

So I want to share my variation of this recipe.

  • I got a 6 pack of organic chicken legs from Walmart.
  • Onion, celery, carrots (of Course I forgot carrots)
  • Apple Cider Vinegar
  • I added Garlic, Turmeric and Cayenne Pepper, Peppercorn Seasoning and Himalayian Salt.
  • Filtered water, fill to about 2 inches below lid


Bring contents to a boil, then simmer for recommended hours on the low setting of the crockpot.

It was delicious with Crackers, even my husband decided he could do that for lunch, suggesting noodles would be a nice add! Sounds like a good excuse for me to get him a hot Logic mini, for lunches to avoid the microwave.

Purposeful Kid Apps

App Review


Letter School

Letter School has a free version, which I think also includes numbers. This app teaches kids letter and number formation in 3 cool animated ways. We liked it so good we purchased the manuscript letters and the cursive version in a bundle. For less than $10 it seems.
LetterSchool Cursive & Normal (Full English versions)

Endless Alphabet

This is a great app, I love that it gives animated phonetic sounds of the letters as you click to drag them to match the word puzzle. It also has several versions for numbers, sight words and wordplay. Rye loves it cause it’s so animated and full of sounds! These can be bought in bundles Endless Reader Bundle and Endless School Bundle
Endless Alphabet – Originator Inc.

Signing Time

Teach your child sign language with fun Kinesthetic learning. We have used this for years, I recommend it for any kid. If you have a child with speech delay this may be a sanity saver for you both! It’s learning sight words, sign, building vocabulary in such a fun way with memorable songs. So worth the money, a $9.99 monthly Subscription Required!
My Signing Time – Two Little Hands

Just for Fun**********

YouTube Kids

This app allows a safe place for your kids to navigate kid videos!

YouTube Kids – Google, Inc.

Make a Scene: FarmYard

This is a fun little scene maker teaching names and animal sounds, it’s also just fun!

Make A Scene: Farmyard – Innivo Ltd

Baby Sign and Learn

Baby Sign Language Dictionary – Lite Edition – Baby Sign and Learn

Pre Chelating Determine and Eliminate Lead Sources

Rye Hair Analysis 1This is the follow up post to our Pre Chelating Hair Analysis. following the post FAW.

8/23/2017 Update: We received our results back, right within the 2 weeks. There was lots of comments hand written (which Jan Martin says is common, but not to worry) on the documents and there were many pages following up comments about the results. It’s very thorough and over my head. I will admit, I am very overwhelmed by the results and it’s taking me a bit to process. I couldn’t wrap my brain around how my child is so highly exposed to lead, arsenic and antimony.

It is recommend before chelation so we started the essential 4 supplements, but have not yet started chelation protocol. In our case this is good cause he is showing moderately high levels of lead. I uploaded the attached images of the results of the Hair Analysis to the FAW Facebook Group and got some input. It’s not as bad as it first seemed. But, I am encouraged by some contributors in the FAW Facebook group to find the source of the lead and eliminate it before beginning chelation.

Here is some of what I learned:

  • Before starting chelation, I need to determine and eliminate the source of lead. So I’m thankful I proceeded with the hair test. The main reason to my understanding is using ALA because it crosses the blood brain barrier and may cause unintended problems if lead is still being exposed.
  • Lead and Arsenic are in lots of things you don’t expect like vintage glassware and toys. But even new toys today with bright colored paints may even have both. Anything that involves consumption or mouthing of toys may be his exposure. Due to his sensory that goes along with both Down Syndrome and Autism, Rye is always exploring things with his mouth..
  • Antimony is in Fire Retardants, those can be found in pajamas, bedding, anything with FR.

This is a link to Jan Martin’s website where she is talking about hair analysis https://theedgeofautism.wordpress.com/hair-tests/. She has completed 200+ rounds now.

How to test your water, surfaces, paint and children’s toys

These are the tools I will be using to test and clean any areas that may have lead exposure. I added some YouTube Videos below for how to go about determining possible sources for lead and how to perform a test.


The cleanup is necessary in our home due to my husband is a firearms enthusiast and is often handling ammo, so we need some safe cleanup protocols set in place to avoid contamination in our home.


Sept 7, 2017 update:

I received my lead cleanup supplies and lead testing sticks by 3M. Excited to get started, I tested several of our vintage dishes, potentially contaminated door knob, floor of garage, floor checks in several locations through the house, work bench surface near reloading equipment. The last location was the only area that resulted in presence of lead. I used 2 sticks and had all the surfaces nearby so that all the items were tested within the 90 seconds recommended by the manufacturer. One stick didn’t ever show, so after touching it to many surfaces, I touched it to the test card and it immediately turned Red, cause Red means Lead. Super Simple testing.

I was so pleased to find the cleanup products I mentioned above, decontaminates other heavy metals I hadn’t noticed like Mercury and Arsenic. My next plan of action is to collect frequently used toys and test them. The contaminated surface has been treated and new reloading protocols are set into place to avoid possibilities of cross contamination.
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